On Thu, 11 Dec 2014, Bartek SQ9MEV wrote:

> Hi there,
> i've noticed 2 separate bugs using xen-4.4.1-2.x86_64 with SysVinit.
> 1st one is in xenstored init script - /local/domain/0/domid" is not set
> when henstored is started from initscript, however it is set when
> started from systemd (fixed in 25eb178).
> Attached xenstored.patch fixes this behaviour.
> 2nd one is in xendomains, when using xl toolstack - it's described here:
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.devel.bugs.general/1201592
> It's probabyly because check_config_name() returns empty string.
> Debian sid uses slightly modified regexp in check_config_name, using 
> that regexp works for me, however i'm not familiar with other 
> toolstacks, so not sure if it's ok with other toolstacks.
> Attached xendomains.patch contains Debian regexp.

Applied, thanks.

Jan Rękorajski                    | PLD/Linux
SysAdm | baggins<at>pld-linux.org | http://www.pld-linux.org/
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