On Dec 15, 2014, at 3:48 PM, Jan Rękorajski wrote:

> On Mon, 15 Dec 2014, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
>> I'm more interested in the lowest common denominator Intel architecture.
>> Specifically:
>>      Can RPM assume sse2 instructions and optimize digests/crypto to use 
>> sse2?
> No 32bit AMD CPU has this. So, no, you can't do it unconditionally.
> We're not going to require SSE2 for i686 arch.

C'est dommage.

OK, the more complicated (and compiler dependent) implementation using
        __attribute__(( __target__ ("sse2") ))
with internal LibTomCrypt/BeeCrypt will be attempted instead.

I'm tired of watching RPM progress bars that move slower than necessary because
of missing functionality on dead/legacy architectures.

73 de Jeff

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