On 26.01.2015 22:02, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
On 13.12.2014 12:46, Jan Rękorajski wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2014, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:

On 10.12.2014 21:59, Jan Rękorajski wrote:
What about switching to xz? That will require recent kmod, but we do it
only for 3.18+ and if someone is running fresh kernel we can assume he
has a fresh userspace.
i see you already switched. would be nice to see some du stats before
and after
[root@home 3.17.2-1]# du -hs kernel*
54M    kernel.gz
46M    kernel.xz

~20% savings.
you compressed the files yourself?

because our rpm build automation does not strip the files:

[~/tmp/kernel-3.18.3-root-glen/lib] ➔ dus */
  1.  modules/  112.95 MiB
  2. firmware/    2.46 MiB
Total:             115.41 MiB

[~/tmp/kernel-3.18.3-root-glen/lib/modules/3.18.3-1/kernel] ➔ l fs/xfs/xfs.ko.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 glen users 702K 26. jaan  21:42 fs/xfs/xfs.ko.xz
[~/tmp/kernel-3.18.3-root-glen/lib/modules/3.18.3-1/kernel] ➔ xz -d fs/xfs/xfs.ko.xz [~/tmp/kernel-3.18.3-root-glen/lib/modules/3.18.3-1/kernel] ➔ file fs/xfs/xfs.ko fs/xfs/xfs.ko: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=63b5e04025bf63f7cd892e1f71785a0aa575fd28, not stripped

[~/tmp/kernel-3.18.3-root-glen/lib/modules/3.18.3-1/kernel] ➔ strip fs/xfs/xfs.ko [~/tmp/kernel-3.18.3-root-glen/lib/modules/3.18.3-1/kernel] ➔ file fs/xfs/xfs.ko fs/xfs/xfs.ko: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), BuildID[sha1]=63b5e04025bf63f7cd892e1f71785a0aa575fd28, stripped

[~/tmp/kernel-3.18.3-root-glen/lib/modules/3.18.3-1/kernel] ➔ l fs/xfs/xfs.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 glen users 723K 26. jaan  21:58 fs/xfs/xfs.ko

[~/tmp/kernel-3.18.3-root-glen/lib/modules/3.18.3-1/kernel] ➔ xz -9 fs/xfs/xfs.ko xz: Adjusted the number of threads from 4 to 3 to not exceed the memory usage limit of 4,773 MiB [~/tmp/kernel-3.18.3-root-glen/lib/modules/3.18.3-1/kernel] ➔ l fs/xfs/xfs.ko.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 glen users 212K 26. jaan  21:58 fs/xfs/xfs.ko.xz
[~/tmp/kernel-3.18.3-root-glen/lib/modules/3.18.3-1/kernel] ➔

i checked build logs and no match for "Stripping kernel modules" [1]:
http://buildlogs.pld-linux.org//index.php?dist=th&arch=x86_64&ok=1&ns=&cnt=50&off=0&name=kernel&id=87e395d9-22b0-4451-9554-774e0d2b1444 [1] https://github.com/pld-linux/rpm-build-macros/blob/auto/th/rpm-build-macros-1.706-1/rpm.macros#L578

apparently kernel compresses themselves and our build automation just searches for "*o" only: https://github.com/pld-linux/rpm-build-macros/blob/auto/th/rpm-build-macros-1.706-1/rpm.macros#L574-L583

our build automation does only *.o -> .gz:


so, where should this be continued? make kernel.spec not to compress and update rpm-build-macros to use .xz?
or vice versa?

as stripping is done by rpm, and creating -debuginfo, would be wasteful to decompress, strip, compress again... (we do so with man pages btw)


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