On Feb 11, 2015, at 5:10 AM, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:

> On 11.02.2015 00:40, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
>> I can’t fix what I cannot reproduce.
> as i see it, you do not want to reproduce it. i gave you links to vm's, did 
> you even download them?

And you gave me this

> ps: the vagrant base boxes i've conducted the above tests are available from
> ftp://ftp.pld-linux.org/people/glen/vm/th/

> pld64-20141009.box - rpm-5.4.14-5.x86_64
> pld64-20141205.box - rpm-5.4.15-6.x86_64

with no further instructions.

I am not able to run your vm's here,  nor can I meaningfully
diagnose a problem that I cannot map back to sources
in my development environment.

73 de Jeff
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