On 01.03.2015 00:30, Adam Osuchowski wrote:
glen wrote:
commit 9ff1c54dc27e48a465cfd09860bd031e6923c26a
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <g...@delfi.ee>
Date:   Thu Feb 26 22:08:01 2015 +0200

     drop pointless year macro

  sqlite3.spec | 7 +++----
  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sqlite3.spec b/sqlite3.spec
index 0e3842c..63fe775 100644
--- a/sqlite3.spec
+++ b/sqlite3.spec
@@ -20,12 +20,9 @@
  %undefine     with_tests
-%define version_year 2015
  #define               version_num %(echo %{version} |  awk -F. 
'{printf("%d%02d%02d%02d", $1, $2, $3, $4)}')
  %define               version_num     3080803
-%define                _ulibdir        /usr/lib
  %define               tclver          8.6

No, it isn't pointless! The values of url and other tags should be universal
as much as possible. In case of version updating, the year in url may change
and nobody wants to wonder if any part of any tag should be updated in
connection with it. Macros is designed for such cases and clearly points
what should to pay attention to.

If %version_year is pointless, the %version_num is pointless too and should
be removed alike. Please keep coherent.

Think logically about changes you apply before you do it and don't
determine and change anything basing on your private judgements and point
of view only. Your are not the one-man oracle! Once again, your behaviour,
manners and collaborative skills leave a lot to be desired.

wow. where all that anger came from?!

year macro is pointless, as it's used only once in the spec.
version num is not pointless, it's used more than one place in spec

and no, macros should not be overused,
in fact macros should be only in last path component, so you could copy paste the url for base path to browse files in the same dir. you don't go and use %{name} macro in domain portion of the URL, or %description!
Source0:    http://www.%{name}.org/%{year}/%{name}-src-%{vnum}.zip

and your judgement is private as well, year is not that often changed component it needs macro.
i can say same to you, think logically when you add another macro!
and specs should not be universal, especially %files in public dir like %{_bindir}! having verbose file allows grep the specs for existing files. with macros it's not possible.


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