On 01.04.2015 08:54, Adam Golebiowski wrote:
> >>maybe rename your ini file so that LC_ALL=C locale would sort it last:
> >>
> >>like:
> >>http.ini -> http.ini (no changes)
> >>propro.ini -> http_propro.ini
> >>raphf.ini -> http_raphf.ini
> >until we add some `boo' extension that depends on raphf, and that's just
> >another version of prefixing.

two more ideas:

1. create modules-load.d dir, which would use the numbering (or whatever scheme)
it would contain only "extension=modname.mod" lines
the actual module specific configs stay in current paths

2. create script which creates directory containing ordered symlinks automatically, symlinks pointing to current conf.d
similar to mods-available, mods-enabled scheme used in debian/ubuntu

the order would be somehow automatically detected, maybe extra file from package saying what needs to be loaded first.

ps: we have SAPINAME.d besides conf.d as well. maybe it is no longer neccessary as loading cli only module probably does not crash webserver-sapi modules anymore.


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