On 18.05.2015 21:59, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> continuation to old thread
> http://lists.pld-linux.org/mailman/pipermail/pld-devel-en/2014-October/024055.html
> seems the (main) culprit is php session being built with mm:
> built with mm:
> # i=1;while true; do service httpd restart || break;i=$((i+1)); done;
> echo stopped at $i
> Checking Apache 2.4 Web Server configuration.......................[
> DONE ]
> Apache 2.4 Web Server service is not running.
> Starting Apache 2.4 Web Server service.............................[
> DONE ]
> Checking Apache 2.4 Web Server configuration.......................[
> DONE ]
> Stopping Apache 2.4 Web Server service.............................[
> DONE ]
> Starting Apache 2.4 Web Server service.............................[
> FAIL ]
> (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to
> address [::]:80
> (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to
> address
> no listening sockets available, shutting down
> AH00015: Unable to open logs
> stopped at 2
> if built without mm, loop runs over a minute (i did hit ctrl+c)
> with just these packages:
> Sat May  2 21:07:47 2015 apache-devel-2.4.12-3.i686
> Mon May 18 22:54:55 2015 apache-base-2.4.12-3.i686
> Mon May 18 22:54:55 2015 apache-mod_mime-2.4.12-3.i686
> Mon May 18 22:56:22 2015 apache-mod_php53-5.3.29-14.1.i686
> Mon May 18 22:56:22 2015 apache-mod_php53-5.3.29-14.1.i686
> Mon May 18 22:56:22 2015 php53-common-5.3.29-14.1.i686
> Mon May 18 22:56:22 2015 php53-pcre-5.3.29-14.1.i686
> Mon May 18 22:56:22 2015 php53-session-5.3.29-14.1.i686
> Mon May 18 22:56:22 2015 php53-simplexml-5.3.29-14.1.i686
> Mon May 18 22:56:22 2015 php53-spl-5.3.29-14.1.i686
> anyone misses if it gets in pld builds?
> https://github.com/pld-linux/php/blob/auto/th/php53-5.3.29-14/php.spec#L45
> it used to be disabled with php was built with zts
> https://github.com/pld-linux/php/blob/auto/th/php53-5.3.29-14/php.spec#L88-L91
> which was in 2010
> https://github.com/pld-linux/php/commit/1f6a0184aaf7a90758fe809dd19c8471bdf43d36
> mm itself was last updated in 2006
> https://github.com/pld-linux/mm/commit/df219b969ed5f9d74fbe2b3c8382e5e5d2624253
> http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/mm/
> and php docs recommend using shm(tmpfs) instead
> http://php.net/manual/en/session.requirements.php
> and last, i don't even know how to use it! (=mm with session)  :)
> some php.ini variable to enable?
How about:
service httpd reload?
Apache is dying on few my server (php and SSL).
To bad that I can't get a core dump with gdb connected to apache pid...
then reload works ;-)

Isn't that related?

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