On 29.05.2015 17:43, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
I won't make the change in RPM upstream because I believe it's
more important to have consistent %config handling than it is to
preserve unpackaged configuration files on upgrade when the
new (but not the old) package has file content (which almost never happens).

I can be convinced otherwise if there is a demonstrable consensus that a 
behavior is needed and necessary.
the scenario is quite simple:

some software loads config from conf.d dir (using *.conf glob), at some point sysadmins put their configs there. now rpm starts to put their files there too, it happens to be the same filename,
now if the file already exists, it will ovewrite sysadmin changes.

if it created .rpmnew, then the previous file (created by sysadmin) would be used, and new config (from rpm), would be stored as .rpmnew

overall config stays running, nothing is overwritten.


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