/tmp tmpfs mount used to be off in pld, and i'd like it to stay that way.

but seems something changed and it's mounted now by default.

what's more annoying is that it's mounted "as soon as it (systemd) can" meaning in the middle of working x11-session (GRRR!)

i haven't updated systemd itself recently, but when i upgraded some packages (poldek --upgrade-dist) the /tmp got mounted. and that even several times if i already unmounted it manually.

[~] ➔ systemctl status tmp.mount
● tmp.mount - Temporary Directory
Loaded: loaded (/proc/self/mountinfo; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since K 2015-09-16 16:00:36 EEST; 12min ago
Where: /tmp
What: tmpfs
Docs: man:hier(7)

sept 16 15:56:25 blodnatt.delfi.lan systemd[1]: Mounting Temporary Directory...
sept 16 15:56:25 blodnatt.delfi.lan systemd[1]: Mounted Temporary Directory.

[~] ➔ systemctl mask tmp.mount
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount to /dev/null.

[~] ➔ pkgbytime systemd
Tue Apr 15 21:05:28 2014 systemd-libs-208-11.i686
Fri Mar 27 20:44:39 2015 systemd-libs-208-12.x86_64
Fri Mar 27 20:48:14 2015 systemd-init-208-12.x86_64
Wed Jun 3 22:09:46 2015 systemd-libs-219-3.x86_64
Wed Jul 29 19:54:20 2015 bash-completion-systemd-219-3.noarch
Wed Jul 29 19:54:20 2015 systemd-219-3.x86_64
Wed Jul 29 19:54:20 2015 systemd-units-219-3.x86_64
[~] ➔


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