
I need to install different php versions on single server but what I need is 
different libphp.so modules at parallel.

Currently all php packages provide libphp-X.Y.so which do not conflict but 
also provide libphp.so symlink (and apache config) which do conflict.

One solution to the problem is using alternatives.spec to manage libphp.so 
symlink and possibly config.

The other is to split apache-mod_phpXY into apache-mod_phpXY (which will 
contain libphp.so symlink and apache config + R apache-mod_phpXY-base) and 
apache-mod_phpXY-base (which will contain libphp-X.Y.so without any 
symlink/config). Not sure how triggers/apache reloads will behave in this case 

Second case looks simpler to me.


Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz, arekm / ( maven.pl | pld-linux.org )
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