On 2016-10-01 20:18, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> 1.
> apache-mod_wsgi = python2
> apache-mod_wsgi3 = python3

That will encourage keeping python2 as 'the python' forever…

> 2.
> apache-mod_wsgi = RIP
> apache-mod_wsgi-py2 = python2
> apache-mod_wsgi-py3 = python3
> 3.
> apache-mod_wsgi = requires %name(mod_wsgi)
> apache-mod_wsgi-py2 = python2, provides %name(mod_wsgi)
> apache-mod_wsgi-py3 = python3, provides %name(mod_wsgi)

Both seem ok for me. The first one is even better, unless there are some
common files to include there.

And don't forget to add:

Obsoletes: apache-mod_wsgi < first_version_split

To -py2.

> the more suffix variants include:
> - -2, -3
> - -py2, -py3
> - -python2, -python3

-py2, -py3, seems good for me. '-2', '-3' could suggest it is wsgi, not
Python version. '-python2', '-python3' would be good for packages that
do not imply Python, like mod_wsgi does, but are not needed here ('py2'
is clear enough).

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