On 29.10.2016 11:25, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:

how is it planned to handle that mysql.spec is now different product (mysql vs percona)
and all those mariadb and percona-server packages.

mysql 5.6 -> 5.7 MAY NOT be upgraded automatically. if someone used features from percona-server 5.6 that are now not present in mysql-community version in mysql.spec 5.7 their systems would be BROKEN.

some idea: rename mysql.spec to mysql-community.spec ?

should we introduce mysql57, mysql80 packages instead?

ps: fedora has their mysql named as community-mysql.spec

here's some idea:

1. make percona-server.spec:5.7 clean upgrade path from mysql.spec:5.6
2. do not build mysql.spec officially at all
3. build system tools using percona-server-devel via "Provides: mysql-devel"
4. mariadb - ship it only if it does not conflict with mysql-libs or mysql-devel


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