On 05/11/2018 13:04, Jan Palus wrote:
> On 05.11.2018 11:45, PLD th-x32 builder wrote:
>> cups-filters.spec (HEAD): FAILED
> ...
>> installing BR: php55\-devel
>> + poldek --noask --caplookup -Q -v '--ignore=hhvm-*' '--ignore=php4-*' 
>> '--ignore=php52-*' '--ignore=php54-*' '--ignore=php55-*' '--ignore=php56-*' 
>> '--ignore=php70-*' '--ignore=php71-*' '--ignore=php72-*' '--ignore=php73-*' 
>> --upgrade php55-devel
> ...
>> error: php55-devel: no such packag
> Are builders expected to have consistent php*-devel version installed? If yes
> any idea why i686 has php53-devel, while x86_64 and x32 have php73?

Always send php packages with --define 'php_suffix 73' (or other version).

Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz, arekm / ( maven.pl | pld-linux.org )
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