On Fri, 18 Dec 2020, Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz wrote:

> W dniu 18.12.2020 o 19:25, Jan Rękorajski pisze:
> > 
> > I tested %doc and %exclude and both fail build when passed non-existing
> > file:
> > 
> > RPM build errors:
> >     Could not canonicalize hostname: pldmachine
> >     File not found: 
> > /home/users/baggins/tmp/alien-8.95.1-x86_64-root-baggins/asdfgsdgsdfgsadfg
> >     File not found: 
> > /home/users/baggins/tmp/alien-8.95.1-x86_64-root-baggins/usr/share/doc/alien-8.95.1/fubar
> > 
> > %ghost does pass tho.
> > 
> > $ rpm -q rpm
> > rpm-4.16.0-0.10.x86_64
> > 
> Try this:
> -%doc debian/changelog README TODO
> +%doc {debian/changelog,README,TODO,NOTEXISTENT}


Jan Rękorajski                    | PLD/Linux
SysAdm | baggins<at>pld-linux.org | http://www.pld-linux.org/
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