On 08.02.2021 14:46, Jan Palus wrote:
> On 02.02.2021 20:45, Andrzej Zawadzki wrote:
> >    Hi,
> > 
> >    I've just upgrade to newest test and after restart I'm not at wheel
> >    group anymore....
> > 
> >    id zawada
> >    uid=1000(zawada) gid=1000(users) grupy=1000(users)
> > 
> >    but:
> > 
> >    cat /etc/group|grep zawada
> >    wheel::10:root,zawada
> > 
> >    Bug or feature?
> Encountered it on one machine as well... You have outdated
> /etc/nsswitch.conf most likely with entry that breaks group membership
> completely:
> initgroups:   [SUCCESS=continue] files

There supposed to be "db" before [SUCCESS=continue] but it was stripped by us


sed -e 's#\([ \t]\)db\([ \t]\)#\1#g' nss/nsswitch.conf > 

hence if I understand it correctly: if db succeeded skip files, otherwise do 
files. Apparently
glibc 2.33 changed semantics of such broken entry and files are not
processed at all resulting in heavily crippled system (but hey, root
works fine ;) ).

Note that above sed is no longer necessary since at least glibc 2.31
which dropped "db" in default config:

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