On 01.03.2021 21:48, Jan Rękorajski wrote:

Thanks that explains. Actually it made me realize that `rpm -qa` for
every build is the same global link. So far I was under impression that
`rpm -qa` would be done for each request before build or at least that
would make more sense to me. Can it be changed this way?
That would require some reengineering. This is currently run on builders
as a cronjob.
simplest would be modify rpm_builder to run the command before and after each build

ideally it could be formatted as html details block:


<summary>Output of <tt>rpm -qa</tt></summary>


here be rpm -qa output



stupid-simple-but-wrong is to format exactly like that in rpm_builder

correct, but more difficult would be to apply formatting on buildlogs code.

that's another topic i guess, but consider that when making the changes.
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