Dnia 2022-01-27, o godz. 09:18:43
Jan Rękorajski <bagg...@pld-linux.org> napisał(a):

> On Wed, 26 Jan 2022, Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz via pld-devel-en wrote:
> > Hello.
> > 
> > Does anyone have contact with Szymon Siwek <sls@pld-....> ?
> > 
> > Our lwn.net subscription is going to expire and we want to renew
> > it. He was participating but it seems that he doesn't use it since
> > 2019.
> > 
> > In case we won't be able to contact him we are looking for one
> > person who is interested in 3 years lwn.net subcription for ~148PLN
> > (1$/month).
> > 
> > Deadline is tomorrow.  
> Just in case, I'm interested.
I don't mind to take it either.

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