Obiecany niegdys update. Teraz mozna odpalic tutorial bez zadnych bledow :)

A wiecej zmian tu:

2006-09-07: Version 2.0.5 RC1
 * General:
   * New: Added beacons for skirmish and multiplayer, can be placed on map and 
radar, default key combination: Alt+H
   * New: Allied players send vision to each other automatically (only once)
   * New: Non-Mac versions can now load Mac-created savegames and the other way 
   * New: Ctrl+MouseWheel makes game speed up or slow down
   * New: MouseWheel over radar makes radar zoom in/out
   * New: Basic map editing in debug mode. 'w' and 'a' raise and lower terrain, 
'k' flips tiles
   * Fix: Nasty crashes related to (not) playing videos are fixed
 * Graphics:
   * Fix: Improve shadow performance and fix OpenGL specs violation
   * Fix: Framerate counting gives correct results now
 * Commandline options:
   * New: --noshadows: switches off shadows for better performance (--shadows 
enables them again)
   * New: --nosound: switches off sound (--sound enables it again)
 * Build system:
   * Change: src/version.* not used anymore. In MSVC define VERSION=\"...\" in 
preprocessor settings instead

Pozdrawiam :)

--- warzone2100.spec.old        2006-09-11 19:19:43.000000000 +0200
+++ warzone2100.spec    2006-09-11 19:13:03.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 # $Revision: 1.1 $, $Date: 2006/09/01 19:11:20 $
+%define        _rc     rc1
 Summary:       3D realtime strategy on a future Earth
 Summary(pl):   Gra RTS, której akcja toczy siê w przysz³o¶ci
 Name:          warzone2100
-Version:       2.0.4
-Release:       0.1
+Version:       2.0.5
+Release:       0.%{_rc}.1
 License:       GPL
 Group:         X11/Applications/Games
-# Source0-md5: 84e92061d9a00405994ab7496d03a610
+# Source0-md5: ffa5e7b1b51ffa7129029a911986536f
 BuildRequires: OpenAL-devel
 BuildRequires: SDL-devel >= 1.1.4
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
 artyleryjskich oraz obronie przeciwlotniczej.
-%setup -q
+%setup -q -n warzone-%{version}_%{_rc}
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