Przygotowywanie...          ###########################################
   1:boost-any-devel        ###########################################
[  6%]
[ 13%]
   3:boost-regex-devel      ###########################################
[ 19%]
   4:boost-filesystem-devel ###########################################
[ 25%]
   5:boost-array-devel      ###########################################
[ 31%]
   6:boost-test             ###########################################
[ 38%]
   7:boost-python           ###########################################
[ 44%]
   8:boost-program_options  ###########################################
[ 50%]
   9:boost-date_time        ###########################################
[ 56%]
  10:boost-jam              ###########################################
[ 63%]
  11:boost-date_time-devel  ###########################################
[ 69%]
  12:boost-python-devel     ###########################################
[ 75%]
  13:boost-test-devel       ###########################################
[ 81%]
  14:boost-bind-devel       ###########################################
[ 88%]
  15:boost-signals-devel    ###########################################
[ 94%]

i poszło, ale dzięki której paczce to nie wiem ;)

Bartosz Go?ek pisze:
> tak, nie pomogło, możesz pokazać prawa do /boost/thread?
> 21-02-08, *Bartłomiej Zimoń* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> napisał(a):
>     Thursday 21 of February 2008 13:13:55 Bartosz Go?ek napisał(a):
>     > Witam chciałem zbudować globulation2 ze speca i niestety nie
>     udało się.
>     >
>     > Problem:
>     > #####################
>     > scons: Reading SConscript files ...
>     > Checking for C library SDL... yes
>     > Checking for C library SDL_ttf... yes
>     > Checking for C library SDL_image... yes
>     > Checking for C library SDL_net... yes
>     > Checking for C library speex... yes
>     > Checking for C header file speex/speex.h... yes
>     > Checking for C library vorbisfile... yes
>     > Checking for C header file zlib.h... yes
>     > Checking for C library z... yes
>     > Checking for C library boost_thread... yes
>     > Checking for C++ header file boost/thread/thread.hpp... no
>     > Could not find libboost_thread or boost/thread/thread.hpp
>     > błąd: Błędny status wyjścia z
>     /home/users/saigon/tmp/rpm-tmp.28024 (%build)
>     >
>     >
>     > Błędy budowania RPM-a:
>     >     Błędny status wyjścia z /home/users/saigon/tmp/rpm-tmp.28024
>     (%build)
>     > Error: package build failed. (no more info)
>     > #####################
>     >
>     >
>     > Dane:
>     > #####################
>     > poldek:/all-avail> search -f '*boost/thread/thread.hpp*'
>     > Przeszukiwanie
>     pakietów..........................................zrobione.
>     > 2 package(s) found:
>     > boost-debuginfo-1.34.1-2.i686
>     > boost-thread-devel-1.34.1-2.i686
>     > poldek:/all-avail>
>     > #####################
>     >
>     > #####################
>     > [EMAIL PROTECTED] saigon]# rpm -qa|grep boost-thread
>     > boost-thread-1.34.1-2.i686
>     > boost-thread-devel-1.34.1-2.i686
>     > [EMAIL PROTECTED] saigon]#
>     > #####################
>     >
>     > #####################
>     > [EMAIL PROTECTED] saigon]# rpm -qa|grep boost-thread
>     > boost-thread-1.34.1-2.i686
>     > boost-thread-devel-1.34.1-2.i686
>     > [EMAIL PROTECTED] saigon]#
>     > #####################
>     >
>     > Jakieś pomysły, dlaczego scons nie widzi thread.hpp?
>     U mnie dziala :
>     $ rpm -qa boost* |sort
>     boost-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-any-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-array-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-bind-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-compressed_pair-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-date_time-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-date_time-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-filesystem-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-filesystem-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-jam-3.1.16-1.athlon
>     boost-program_options-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-program_options-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-python-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-python-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-regex-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-regex-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-signals-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-signals-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-test-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-test-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-thread-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     boost-thread-devel-1.34.1-2.athlon
>     $ rpm -qa scons
>     scons-0.97-1.noarch
>     $ builder globulation2 -bb
>     # $Revision: 1.36 $, $Date: 2007-09-11 18:32:16 $
>     Available branches:
>     glob2-0.9.1.tar.gz having proper md5sum already exists
>     Wykonywanie(%prep): /bin/sh -e /tmp/rpm-tmp.87754
>     + umask 022
>     + cd /home/users/uzi/rpm/BUILD
>     + cd /home/users/uzi/rpm/BUILD
>     + rm -rf glob2-0.9.1
>     + /usr/bin/gzip -dc /home/users/uzi/rpm/SOURCES/glob2-0.9.1.tar.gz
>     + tar -xf -
>     + STATUS=0
>     + [ 0 -ne 0 ]
>     + cd glob2-0.9.1
>     + /bin/id -u
>     + [ 1000 = 0 ]
>     + true .
>     + /bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w .
>     + echo Patch #0 (globulation2-default_lang.patch):
>     Patch #0 (globulation2-default_lang.patch):
>     + patch -p1 -s
>     + < /home/users/uzi/rpm/SOURCES/globulation2-default_lang.patch
>     + exit 0
>     Wykonywanie(%build): /bin/sh -e /tmp/rpm-tmp.94693
>     + umask 022
>     + cd /home/users/uzi/rpm/BUILD
>     + cd glob2-0.9.1
>     + scons CXXFLAGS=-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -march=athlon
>     -gdwarf-2 -g2
>     INSTALLDIR=/usr/share BINDIR=/usr/bin
>     scons: Reading SConscript files ...
>     Checking for C library SDL... yes
>     Checking for C library SDL_ttf... yes
>     Checking for C library SDL_image... yes
>     Checking for C library SDL_net... yes
>     Checking for C library speex... yes
>     Checking for C header file speex/speex.h... yes
>     Checking for C library vorbisfile... yes
>     Checking for C header file zlib.h... yes
>     Checking for C library z... yes
>     Checking for C library boost_thread... yes
>     Checking for C++ header file boost/thread/thread.hpp... yes
>     Checking for C++ header file boost/shared_ptr.hpp... yes
>     Checking for C++ header file boost/tuple/tuple.hpp... yes
>     Checking for C++ header file boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp... yes
>     Checking for C++ header file boost/logic/tribool.hpp... yes
>     Checking for C++ header file boost/lexical_cast.hpp... yes
>     Checking for C library GL... yes
>     Checking for C header file GL/gl.h... yes
>     Checking for C library GLU... yes
>     Checking for C header file GL/glu.h... yes
>     Checking for C library fribidi... yes
>     Checking for C header file fribidi/fribidi.h... yes
>     scons: done reading SConscript files.
>     scons: Building targets ...
>     [...]
>     Zapisano: /home/users/uzi/rpm/RPMS/globulation2-0.9.1-1.athlon.rpm
>     Zapisano:
>     /home/users/uzi/rpm/RPMS/globulation2-debuginfo-0.9.1-1.athlon.rpm
>     Probowales reinstalowac boost?
>     _________________
>     Pozdrawiam
>     Bartłomiej Zimoń
>     _______________________________________________
>     pld-devel-pl mailing list
>     <>

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