W dniu 29.03.2011 00:32, mmazur pisze:
Author: mmazur                       Date: Mon Mar 28 22:32:53 2011 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- rel 2
- added mount helper script which utilizes udisks (stolen from Debian)
- use python instead of python2 in the shebang

---- Files affected:
    calibre.spec (1.81 ->  1.82) , calibre-mount-helper (NONE ->  1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/calibre/calibre.spec
diff -u packages/calibre/calibre.spec:1.81 packages/calibre/calibre.spec:1.82
--- packages/calibre/calibre.spec:1.81  Sun Mar 27 18:42:06 2011
+++ packages/calibre/calibre.spec       Tue Mar 29 00:32:48 2011
@@ -12,17 +12,19 @@
  Summary(pl.UTF-8):    Konwerter oraz biblioteka dla e-booków
  Name:         calibre
  Version:      0.7.52
-Release:       1
+Release:       2
  License:      GPL v3+
  Group:                Applications/Multimedia
  Source0:      %{name}-%{version}-nofonts.tar.xz
  # Source0-md5:        2d20153b4b26c6d5330a141768bffaeb
  Source1:      generate-tarball.sh
+Source2:       calibre-mount-helper
  Patch0:               %{name}-prefix.patch
  Patch1:               %{name}-manpages.patch
  Patch2:               %{name}-no-update.patch
  Patch3:               %{name}-env_module.patch
  Patch4:               %{name}-locales.patch
+Patch5:                shebang-python-fix.patch
^^^ Commitniesz go?

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