> $ ./builder -bb kernel24
> # $Revision: 1.773 $, $Date: 2006/08/21 12:58:51 $
> No conditional flags passed
> from available:
> --with   :       nat routes um win4lin
> --without:       boot doc grsec smp source up
> Available branches: LINUX_2_4_32 AC-branch LINUX_2_4_31 LINUX_2_4_30 
> RA-branch_general LINUX_2_4_28 RA-branch LINUX_2_4_27 LINUX_2_4_26
> linux-2.4.33.tar.bz2 having proper md5sum already exists
> dc395-141.tar.gz having proper md5sum already exists
> cifs-1.20c-2.4.tar.gz having proper md5sum already exists
> cvs server: move away mki-adapter.patch; it is in the way
> C mki-adapter.patch
> error: Architecture is not included: amd64
> Error: package build failed. (no more info)

Zagladam do pliku .speca i co widze: (?)

# amd64 not included yet - needs port of some patches (O1, maybe grsec)
ExclusiveArch:  %{ix86} sparc sparc64 alpha ppc

No to po ptakach chyba..
To moze i jest powodem, ze nie ma dystrybucyjnego jajka 2.4 dla amd64 ?


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