On Fri, 20 Aug 2010, Wojciech Błaszkowski wrote:
> Debian ? Proszę.. u nas w biurze nawet "poprawnie" nie potrafimy wymówić 
> "dpkg" 
> ;-)

Nawet mnie nie denerwujcie. Właśnie przed chwilą się zorientowałem,
że w "stabilnym" debianie wydanym w ubiegłym roku nie ma jeszcze
tomcata 6 wydanego ponad 3 lata temu. Dziękuję za taką stabilność.

Jeszcze tylko cytacik z uncyclopedii:

Inclusion Guidelines

Only "stable" software is included in the Debian core distribution.
In Debian project parlance, the term stable means that the software
is no longer under active development or widespread use and that the
authors are long dead; if software is still under active
development, it undergoes changes too rapidly for the Debian project
to incorporate them. Due to pressure from users, obsolete versions
of certain software that is still under development may be included
in the unstable section, but its use is broadly discouraged, since
it does not strictly adhere to the project's guidelines, sometimes
including software from after the Renaissance.

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