Spotkał się ktoś może z takim czymś ? Próbuje słuchać radia 94 przez
aviplay i jakoś mu nie idzie, chociaż nie jest tak, że to wogóle nie
działało. Dwa razy udało się to odpalić.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] pisarz]$ aviplay adpoint94fm.asx
QSettings: failed to open file '/etc/qt/kstylerc'
<aviplay> : Debug is on 0
<reader> : checking: adpoint94fm.asx
<ASF reader> : Not ASF stream
<aviplay> : Closing clip
<aviplay> : Debug is on 0
<reader> : checking: mms://
<ASF network reader> : server: filename:/adpoint94fm
<ASF network reader> : Aborting: read() returned 115  ( Operacja jest
właśnie wykonywana )
<ASF network reader> : Unknown Content-Type - closing...
<aviplay> : Closing clip

fcntl64(4, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)         = 0
getdents64(4, /* 9 entries */, 4096)    = 336
{st_mode=S_IFREG|0755,st_size=82264, ...}) = 0
lstat64("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, 
st_size=82256, ...}) = 0
lstat64("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, 
st_size=110776, ...}) = 0
lstat64("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, 
st_size=73528, ...}) = 0
lstat64("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, 
st_size=111024, ...}) = 0
{st_mode=S_IFREG|0755,st_size=110872, ...}) = 0
lstat64("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, 
st_size=73872, ...}) = 0
getdents64(4, /* 0 entries */, 4096)    = 0
close(4)                                = 0
access("/usr/bin/styles/.", F_OK)       = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/", F_OK) = 0
access("/usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/", F_OK) = 0
lstat64("/usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=91124, 
...}) = 0
access("/usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/", F_OK) = 0
access("/usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/", F_OK) = 0
access("/usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/", F_OK) = 0
open("/usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/", O_RDONLY) = 4
read(4, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\200W\0"..., 512) = 512
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=91124, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 94156, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 4, 0) = 0x41321000
0x15) = 0x41337000
close(4)                                = 0
open("/etc/", O_RDONLY)      = 4
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=59095, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 59095, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) = 0x41338000
close(4)                                = 0
open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 4
read(4, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\0\252\0"..., 512) = 512
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=171044, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 175292, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 4, 0) = 0x41347000
0x28) = 0x41370000
close(4)                                = 0
munmap(0x41338000, 59095)               = 0
access("/usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/", F_OK) = 0
access("/usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/", F_OK) = 0
access("/home/users/pisarz/.qt", F_OK)  = 0
lstat64("/home/users/pisarz/.qt", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0700, st_size=122, ...}) = 0
access("/etc/qt/kstylerc", F_OK)        = 0
open("/etc/qt/.kstylerc.lock", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_LARGEFILE, 0600) = -1 EACCES 
(Permission denied)
open("/etc/qt/kstylerc", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
write(2, "QSettings: failed to open file \'"..., 50QSettings: failed to open file 
) = 50
access("/home/users/pisarz/.qt/kstylerc", F_OK) = 0
open("/home/users/pisarz/.qt/.kstylerc.lock", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_LARGEFILE, 0600)= 4
fcntl64(4, F_SETLKW64, {type=F_RDLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0}, 0xbfffeb10) = 0
open("/home/users/pisarz/.qt/kstylerc", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
fstat64(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=81, ...}) = 0
fstat64(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=81, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x41338000
read(5, "[Settings]\nMenuDropShadow=false\n"..., 4096) = 81
fstat64(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=81, ...}) = 0
close(5)                                = 0
munmap(0x41338000, 4096)                = 0
fcntl64(4, F_SETLKW64, {type=F_UNLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0}, 0xbfffeba0) = 0
close(4)                                = 0
access("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", F_OK) = 0
access("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", F_OK) = 0
lstat64("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, 
st_size=73872, ...}) = 0
access("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", F_OK) = 0
access("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", F_OK) = 0
access("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", F_OK) = 0
open("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", O_RDONLY) = 4
read(4, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\200k\0"..., 512) = 512
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=73872, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 72764, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 4, 0) = 0x41372000
0x11) = 0x41383000
close(4)                                = 0
access("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", F_OK) = 0
access("/usr/lib/qt/plugins-mt/styles/", F_OK) = 0
open("/usr/share/avifile-0.7/pixmaps/about.ppm", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=826, ...}) = 0
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=826, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x41384000
read(4, "P6\n# CREATOR: The GIMP\'s PNM Fil"..., 4096) = 826
_llseek(4, 0, [0], SEEK_SET)            = 0
_llseek(4, 0, [0], SEEK_SET)            = 0
read(4, "P6\n# CREATOR: The GIMP\'s PNM Fil"..., 4096) = 826
close(4)                                = 0
munmap(0x41384000, 4096)                = 0
write(3, "5\1\4\0\33\0`\2W\0\0\0\20\0\20\0007\2\4\0\34\0`\2\33\0"..., 1424) = 1424
read(3, "\26V\316\0\35\0`\2\35\0`\2\31\0`\2\0\0\0\0d\0\22\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\1\30\326\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0004W\241\10\310\6\210\10\260"..., 32) = 32
readv(3, [{"\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377"..., 1024}, {"", 
0}], 2) = 1024
open("/usr/share/avifile-0.7/pixmaps/mute.ppm", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=826, ...}) = 0
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=826, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x41384000
read(4, "P6\n# CREATOR: The GIMP\'s PNM Fil"..., 4096) = 826
_llseek(4, 0, [0], SEEK_SET)            = 0
_llseek(4, 0, [0], SEEK_SET)            = 0
read(4, "P6\n# CREATOR: The GIMP\'s PNM Fil"..., 4096) = 826
close(4)                                = 0
munmap(0x41384000, 4096)                = 0
write(3, "5\1\4\0 \0`\2W\0\0\0\20\0\20\0007\2\4\0!\0`\2 \0`\2\0\0"..., 1316) = 1316
read(3, "\1\30\342\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\310V\241\10\310\6\210\10\260"..., 32) = 32
readv(3, [{"\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377"..., 1024}, {"", 
0}], 2) = 1024
gettimeofday({1098256687, 672364}, NULL) = 0
brk(0x812a000)                          = 0x812a000
brk(0x814b000)                          = 0x814b000
brk(0x816c000)                          = 0x816c000
gettimeofday({1098256687, 736967}, NULL) = 0
access("/home/users/pisarz/.qt", F_OK)  = 0
lstat64("/home/users/pisarz/.qt", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0700, st_size=122, ...}) = 0
access("/etc/qt/qtrc", F_OK)            = 0
open("/etc/qt/.qtrc.lock", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_LARGEFILE, 0600) = -1 EACCES (Permission 
open("/etc/qt/qtrc", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1006, ...}) = 0
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1006, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x41384000
read(4, "[3.3]\nlibraryPath=/root/.kde/lib"..., 4096) = 1006
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1006, ...}) = 0
close(4)                                = 0
munmap(0x41384000, 4096)                = 0
access("/home/users/pisarz/.qt/qtrc", F_OK) = 0
open("/home/users/pisarz/.qt/.qtrc.lock", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_LARGEFILE, 0600) = 4
fcntl64(4, F_SETLKW64, {type=F_RDLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0}, 0xbfffe160) = 0
open("/home/users/pisarz/.qt/qtrc", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
fstat64(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=1147, ...}) = 0
fstat64(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=1147, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x41384000
read(5, "[3.3]\nlibraryPath=/home/users/pi"..., 4096) = 1147
fstat64(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=1147, ...}) = 0
close(5)                                = 0
munmap(0x41384000, 4096)                = 0
fcntl64(4, F_SETLKW64, {type=F_UNLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0}, 0xbfffe1f0) = 0
close(4)                                = 0
open("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/luxisr.ttf", O_RDONLY) = 4
fcntl64(4, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)         = 0
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=67548, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 67548, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 4, 0) = 0x41384000
close(4)                                = 0
write(3, "5\1\4\0$\0`\2W\0\0\0\20\0\20\0007\2\4\0%\0`\2$\0`\2\0\0"..., 3628) = 3628
read(3, "\26V\353\0&\0`\2&\0`\2\"\0`\2\0\0\0\0d\0\22\0\0\0\0\277"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26V\354\0&\0`\2&\0`\2\"\0`\2\0\0\0\0P\0\22\0\0\0\0\277"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26V\361\0\'\0`\2\'\0`\2&\0`\2\0\0\0\0d\0\22\0\0\0\0\277"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26V\362\0\'\0`\2\'\0`\2&\0`\2\0\0\0\0P\0\22\0\0\0\0\277"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371\373\0\1\0`\2\354\0\0\0S<\362B\0\0`\2\20\0\0\000"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371\374\0\1\0`\2\362\0\0\0S<\362B\0\0\0\0S<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371\375\0\1\0`\2(\0\0\0S<\362B\0\0\0\0S<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0\26\1\r\0`\2\r\0`\2\0\0\0\0\2\0\2\0\26\0\25\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0\27\1\21\0`\2\21\0`\2\r\0`\2\31\0\2\0\26\0\25\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0\30\1\25\0`\2\25\0`\2\21\0`\0020\0\2\0\26\0\25\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0\31\1\31\0`\2\31\0`\2\25\0`\2G\0\2\0\26\0\25\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0\32\1\35\0`\2\35\0`\2\31\0`\2b\0\3\0\21\1\22\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0\33\1\36\0`\2\36\0`\2\35\0`\2x\1\2\0\26\0\25\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0\34\1\"\0`\2\"\0`\2\36\0`\2\2\0\31\0\26\0\25\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0\35\1&\0`\2&\0`\2\"\0`\2\35\0\32\0P\0\22\0\0\0\0\277"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0\36\1\'\0`\2\'\0`\2&\0`\2p\0\32\0P\0\22\0\0\0\0\277"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0\37\1(\0`\2(\0`\2\'\0`\2\303\0\31\0\1\0\25\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0 \1)\0`\2)\0`\2(\0`\2\215\1\31\0\1\0\25\0\0\0\0\277"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371!\1\1\0`\2(\0\0\0S<\362B\0\0`\2\22\0\0\0008\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371#\1\1\0`\2(\0\0\0S<\362B\0\0\0\0S<\362B8\371\377"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0$\1\r\0`\2\r\0`\2\0\202\312\10\r\0`\2\0\0\0\0h\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0%\1\21\0`\2\21\0`\2\0\202\312\10\21\0`\2\0\0\0\0h"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0&\1\25\0`\2\25\0`\2\0\202\312\10\25\0`\2\0\0\0\0h"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0\'\1\31\0`\2\31\0`\2\0\202\312\10\31\0`\2\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0(\1\35\0`\2\35\0`\2\0\202\312\10\35\0`\2\0\0\0\0h"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0)\1\36\0`\2\36\0`\2\0\202\312\10\36\0`\2\0\0\0\0h"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0*\1\"\0`\2\"\0`\2\0\202\312\10\"\0`\2\0\0\0\0h\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0+\1&\0`\2&\0`\2\0\202\312\10&\0`\2\0\0\0\0h\371\377"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0,\1\'\0`\2\'\0`\2\0\202\312\10\'\0`\2\0\0\0\0h\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0-\1(\0`\2(\0`\2\0\202\312\10(\0`\2\0\0\0\0h\371\377"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0.\1)\0`\2)\0`\2\0\202\312\10)\0`\2\0\0\0\0h\371\377"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\1 /\1\t\0\0\0#\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\t\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\320U\241"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "g\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\7\0`\2\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 36) = 36
uname({sys="Linux", node="pld", ...})   = 0
geteuid32()                             = 1000
getegid32()                             = 1000
getuid32()                              = 1000
getgid32()                              = 1000
fstat64(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0600, st_rdev=makedev(136, 141), ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x41395000
write(1, "<aviplay> : Debug is on 0\n", 26<aviplay> : Debug is on 0
) = 26
write(1, "<reader> : checking: adpoint94fm"..., 37<reader> : checking: adpoint94fm.asx
) = 37
open("adpoint94fm.asx", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
read(4, "<ASX Version = \"3.0\">\r\n<Entry> \r"..., 512) = 104
close(4)                                = 0
open("adpoint94fm.asx", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
read(4, "<ASX Version = \"", 16)        = 16
read(4, "3.0\">\r\n<", 8)               = 8
write(1, "<ASF reader> : Not ASF stream\n", 30<ASF reader> : Not ASF stream
) = 30
close(4)                                = 0
open("adpoint94fm.asx", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
read(4, "<ASX Version = \"3.0\">\r\n<Entry> \r"..., 16384) = 104
close(4)                                = 0
write(1, "<aviplay> : Closing clip\n", 25<aviplay> : Closing clip
) = 25
geteuid32()                             = 1000
getegid32()                             = 1000
getuid32()                              = 1000
getgid32()                              = 1000
write(1, "<aviplay> : Debug is on 0\n", 26<aviplay> : Debug is on 0
) = 26
write(1, "<reader> : checking: mms://217.1"..., 54<reader> : checking: 
) = 54
pipe([4, 5])                            = 0
write(1, "<ASF network reader> : server:21"..., 70<ASF network reader> : 
server: filename:/adpoint94fm
) = 70
getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, {rlim_cur=8192*1024, rlim_max=RLIM_INFINITY}) = 0
pipe([6, 7])                            = 0
clone(child_stack=0x80feda8, flags=CLONE_VM|CLONE_FS|CLONE_FILES|CLONE_SIGHAND)= 11840
write(7, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"..., 148) = 148
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, [RTMIN], 8) = 0
write(7, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ u\20\10\0\0\0\200"..., 148) = 148
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, [RTMIN], 8) = 0
rt_sigsuspend([] <unfinished ...>
--- SIGRTMIN (Unknown signal 32) @ 0 (0) ---
<... rt_sigsuspend resumed> )           = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)
sigreturn()                             = ? (mask now [RTMIN])
gettimeofday({1098256687, 857361}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256687, 858020}, NULL) = 0
pipe([9, 10])                           = 0
fcntl64(9, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)         = 0
fcntl64(10, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)        = 0
write(3, "\22\0\17\0\1\0`\2#\0\0\0#\0\0\0 \2\4\0\t\0\0\0g\0\0\0\1"..., 580) = 580
read(3, "\26\0/\1\1\0`\2\1\0`\2\363D\300\0\0\1\346\0\220\1\36\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0/\1\1\0`\2\1\0`\2\363D\300\0\0\1\346\0\220\0010\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\3710\1\1\0`\2#\0\0\0\231<\362B\0\0\0\0\231<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\3712\1\1\0`\2\"\0\0\0\231<\362B\0\0\0\0\231<\362B8"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\3713\1\1\0`\2$\0\0\0\231<\362B\0\0\0\0\231<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\3714\1\1\0`\2\"\1\0\0\231<\362B\0\0\0\0\231<\362B8"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\26\0009\1(\0`\2(\0`\2\'\0`\2\303\0\31\0:\0\25\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\1W:\1\v\0\0\0W\0\0\0W\0\0\0\v\0\331\10\0\0\0\0\320U\241"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\r\0`\2\21\0`\2\25\0`\2\31\0`\2\35\0`\2\36\0`\2\"\0`\2"..., 44) = 44
write(3, "(\0\4\0\1\0`\2\1\0`\2\0\0\0\0", 16) = 16
read(3, "\34\371:\1\1\0`\2\347\0\0\0\237<\362B\0\0\0\0\237<\362"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1\1\0`\2g\1\0\0\237<\362B\0\0\0\0\237<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1\1\0`\2j\1\0\0\237<\362B\0\0\0\0\237<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1\1\0`\2,\1\0\0\237<\362B\0\0\0\0\237<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\25\0:\1\1\0`\2\1\0`\2\206\325\251\0\6\0\32\0\0\222M\10"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1W\0\0\0P\1\0\0\253<\362B\0\0\0\0\n\0\0\0008\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1W\0\0\0b\1\0\0\253<\362B\0\0\0\0\253<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1W\0\0\0O\1\0\0\253<\362B\0\0\0\0\253<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1\1\0`\2u\1\0\0\253<\362B\0\0`\2\6\0\0\0008\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\226\1:\1\1\0`\2\1\0`\2\206\325\251\0\6\0\252\2\220\001"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\23\0:\1\1\0`\2\1\0`\2\0\222M\10\1\0`\2\0\0\0\0h\371\377"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1\1\0`\2\0\0\0\0\220\0010\0\0\0]\10$\0\0\0\240-<"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1)\0`\2\0\0\0\0\1\0\25\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-<\10"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1(\0`\2\0\0\0\0:\0\25\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-<\10"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1\'\0`\2\0\0\0\0P\0\22\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-<\10"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1&\0`\2\0\0\0\0P\0\22\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-<\10"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1\"\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-<"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1\36\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1\35\0`\2\0\0\0\0\21\1\22\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1\31\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1\25\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1\21\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\1:\1\r\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0\0\0]\10\1\0\0\0\240-<"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1\1\0`\2g\0\0\0\312<\362B\0\0\0\0\312<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1\1\0`\2\347\0\0\0\312<\362B\0\0\0\0\312<\362"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1\1\0`\2g\1\0\0\312<\362B\0\0\0\0\312<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\t\3:\1\1\0`\2\0\370\377\277\377_\f\10\310fR\10\370\207"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\v\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\241 :\1\1\0`\2\25\1\0\0\t\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\36\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1W\0\0\0T\1\0\0\325<\362B\0\0\0\0\325<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1W\0\0\0T\1\0\0\335<\362B\0\0\0\0\335<\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1\1\0`\2v\1\0\0$=\362B\0\0`\2\4\0\0\0008\371\377"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\371:\1\1\0`\2v\1\0\0C=\362B\0\0`\2\4\0\0\0008\371\377"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\1\1;\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\320U\241"..., 32) = 32
write(3, "\3\0\2\0\1\0`\2\16\0\2\0\1\0`\2", 16) = 16
read(3, "\1\0<\1\3\0\0\0!\0\0\0\1\0\1\1\377\377\377\377\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "?\340b\0?\340b\0\0\0\211\10", 12) = 12
read(3, "\1\30=\1\0\0\0\0W\0\0\0\6\0\32\0\220\0010\0\0\0\0\0\270"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, "\22\0\30\0\1\0`\2(\0\0\0)\0\0\0 \2\4\0\22\0\0\0\32\2\0"..., 572) = 572
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [32])                = 0
read(3, "\34\371>\1\1\0`\2(\0\0\0\207=\362B\0\0\0\0\207=\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, "+\0\1\0", 4)                  = 4
read(3, "\1\1V\1\0\0\0\0\1\0`\2\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\27\0\0\0\270\245"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, "\24\0\6\0\1\0`\2\347\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\4\0\0", 24) = 24
read(3, "\1 W\1\0\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\320U\241"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, ";\3\5\0+\0`\2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\25\0;\3\5\0,\0`\2\0\0"..., 112) = 112
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, ";\3\5\0+\0`\2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0:\0\25\0\232\6\5\0/\0`\2\0"..., 276) = 276
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, ";\3\5\0+\0`\2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0P\0\22\0;\3\5\0,\0`\2\0\0"..., 1120) = 1120
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, ";\3\5\0+\0`\2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0P\0\22\0;\3\5\0-\0`\2\0\0"..., 908) = 908
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, "5\30\4\0A\0`\2W\0\0\0\26\0\25\0>\0\7\0002\0`\2A\0`\002"..., 464) = 464
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, "F\30\5\0A\0`\0023\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0C\0\5\0A\0`\002"..., 236) = 236
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, ";\3\5\0+\0`\2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\21\1\22\0008\0\4\0.\0`\2"..., 1628) = 1628
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, "F\3\5\0A\0`\0023\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0008\0\4\0+\0`\2"..., 268) = 268
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, "F\3\5\0A\0`\0023\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0C\0\5\0A\0`\002"..., 236) = 236
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, "F\3\5\0A\0`\0023\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0C\0\5\0A\0`\002"..., 236) = 236
write(3, "F\3\5\0A\0`\0023\0`\2\0\0\0\0\26\0\25\0C\0\5\0A\0`\002"..., 260) = 260
read(3, "\1 ^\2\2\0\0\0g\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\320U\241"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 8)          = 8
write(3, "\24\0\6\0\1\0`\2\347\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\4\0\0", 24) = 24
read(3, "\1 _\2\0\0\0\0\4\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\320U\241"..., 32) = 32
open("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/locale.alias", O_RDONLY) = 11
fstat64(11, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=57378, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x41b96000
read(11, "#\t$XdotOrg: xc/nls/locale.alias,"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "1\t\t\t\t\tde_BE.ISO8859-1\nde_BE.ISO_"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "\nes_BO\t\t\t\t\t\tes_BO.ISO8859-1\nes_B"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "KR\nko_KR.EUC-KR\t\t\t\t\tko_KR.eucKR\n"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "8859-15\npt_PT.utf8\t\t\t\t\tpt_PT.UTF"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "TF2:\t\t\t\t\tC\nC_C.C:\t\t\t\t\t\tC\nC.en:\t\t"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "8859-1\nde_CH.ISO_8859-1:\t\t\t\tde_C"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "_CL.UTF-8\nes_CO:\t\t\t\t\t\tes_CO.ISO8"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "-15\nfr_FR.utf8:\t\t\t\t\tfr_FR.UTF-8\n"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "o_KR.eucKR\nko_KR:\t\t\t\t\t\tko_KR.euc"..., 4096) = 4096
close(11)                               = 0
munmap(0x41b96000, 4096)                = 0
open("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/locale.dir", O_RDONLY) = 11
fstat64(11, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=30125, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x41b96000
read(11, "#\t$XdotOrg: xc/nls/locale.dir,v "..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "\tes_VE.ISO8859-1\niso8859-1/XLC_L"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "859-15/XLC_LOCALE\t\t\tsv_SE.ISO885"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "-8/XLC_LOCALE\t\t\tfr_LU.UTF-8\nen_U"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "CALE:\t\t\tca_ES.ISO8859-1\niso8859-"..., 4096) = 4096
read(11, "255\niscii-dev/XLC_LOCALE:\t\t\thi_I"..., 4096) = 4096
close(11)                               = 0
munmap(0x41b96000, 4096)                = 0
open("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/lib/common/", O_RDONLY) = 11
read(11, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\200\33"..., 512) = 512
fstat64(11, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=35696, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 38708, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_DENYWRITE, 11, 0) = 0x41b96000
0x8) = 0x41b9f000
close(11)                               = 0
writev(3, [{"1\0\v\0\1\0$\0", 8}, {"-*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-16-*-ISO88"..., 36}],2) = 44
read(3, "\1\302`\2\20\0\0\0\1\0\377\277\275A\16\10\4\0\0\0,\0\0"..., 32) = 32
readv(3, [{"<-biznet-fixed-medium-r-normal--"..., 64}, {"", 0}], 2) = 64
writev(3, [{"1\0\v\0\1\0$\0", 8}, {"-*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-16-*-ISO88"..., 36}],2) = 44
read(3, "\1\302a\2\20\0\0\0\1\0\377\277\275A\16\10\4\0\0\0,\0\0"..., 32) = 32
readv(3, [{"<-biznet-fixed-medium-r-normal--"..., 64}, {"", 0}], 2) = 64
writev(3, [{"1\0\v\0\1\0$\0", 8}, {"-*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-16-*-ISO88"..., 36}],2) = 44
read(3, "\1\302b\2\20\0\0\0\1\0\377\277\275A\16\10\4\0\0\0,\0\0"..., 32) = 32
readv(3, [{"<-biznet-fixed-medium-r-normal--"..., 64}, {"", 0}], 2) = 64
writev(3, [{"b\0\6\0\17\0$\0", 8}, {"XFree86-Bigfont", 15}, {"\0", 1}], 3) = 24
read(3, "\1\0c\2\0\0\0\0\1\231\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\27\0\0\0\270"..., 32) = 32
write(3, "\231\0\1\0", 4)               = 4
read(3, "\1\1d\2\0\0\0\0\1\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0/\362Z\302\270\245"..., 32) = 32
write(3, "-\0\22\0T\0`\2<\0\0\0-biznet-fixed-medium"..., 84) = 84
read(3, "\1\0f\2\224\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\10\0\377\377\364\377\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\2\0\0\0U\1\0\0\1\0\377\0 \0\26\0\0\0\0\0\16\0\2\0\377"..., 40) = 40
read(3, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"..., 176) = 176
read(3, "\0\0\7\0\10\0\16\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\7\0\10\0\r\0\2\0\0\0\0\0"..., 1400) = 1400
write(3, "-\0\22\0U\0`\2<\0\0\0-biznet-fixed-medium"..., 84) = 84
read(3, "\1\0h\2\224\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\10\0\377\377\364\377\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\2\0\0\0U\1\0\0\1\0\377\0 \0\26\0\0\0\0\0\16\0\2\0\377"..., 40) = 40
read(3, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"..., 176) = 176
read(3, "\0\0\7\0\10\0\16\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\7\0\10\0\r\0\2\0\0\0\0\0"..., 1400) = 1400
write(3, "-\0\22\0V\0`\2<\0\0\0-biznet-fixed-medium"..., 84) = 84
read(3, "\1\0j\2\224\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\10\0\377\377\364\377\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\2\0\0\0U\1\0\0\1\0\377\0 \0\26\0\0\0\0\0\16\0\2\0\377"..., 40) = 40
read(3, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"..., 176) = 176
read(3, "\0\0\7\0\10\0\16\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\7\0\10\0\r\0\2\0\0\0\0\0"..., 1400) = 1400
write(3, "-\0\22\0W\0`\2<\0\0\0-biznet-fixed-medium"..., 84) = 84
read(3, "\1\0l\2\224\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\10\0\377\377\364\377\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\2\0\0\0U\1\0\0\1\0\377\0 \0\26\0\0\0\0\0\16\0\2\0\377"..., 40) = 40
read(3, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"..., 176) = 176
read(3, "\0\0\7\0\10\0\16\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\7\0\10\0\r\0\2\0\0\0\0\0"..., 1400) = 1400
write(3, "\3\0\2\0\1\0`\2\16\0\2\0\1\0`\2", 16) = 16
read(3, "\1\0m\2\3\0\0\0!\0\0\0\1\0\1\1\377\377\377\377\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "?\340b\0?\340b\0\0\0\211\10", 12) = 12
read(3, "\1\30n\2\0\0\0\0W\0\0\0\6\0\32\0\220\0010\0\0\0\0\0\270"..., 32) = 32
write(3, "\3\0\2\0\1\0`\2\16\0\2\0\1\0`\2", 16) = 16
read(3, "\1\0o\2\3\0\0\0!\0\0\0\1\0\1\1\377\377\377\377\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "?\340b\0?\340b\0\0\0\211\10", 12) = 12
read(3, "\1\30p\2\0\0\0\0W\0\0\0\6\0\32\0\220\0010\0\0\0\0\0\270"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(9, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(10, "\0", 1)                      = 1
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 240828}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 0})       = 1 (in [9], left {0, 0})
read(9, "\0", 1)                        = 1
gettimeofday({1098256688, 243516}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 244214}, NULL) = 0
write(3, "=\0\4\0\35\0`\2\0\0\0\0\21\1\22\0;\3\5\0+\0`\2\0\0\0\0"..., 1656) = 1656
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 246898}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 96618})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256688, 345271}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 345721}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 345896}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 97620})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256688, 444261}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 444719}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 444895}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98621})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256688, 544239}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 544734}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 544916}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98600})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256688, 644225}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 644685}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 644859}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98657})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256688, 744250}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 744718}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 744895}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98621})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256688, 844199}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 844656}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 844833}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98683})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256688, 944183}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 944638}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256688, 944812}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98704})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256689, 44161}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 44613}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 44788}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98728})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256689, 144160}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 144613}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 144789}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98727})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256689, 244132}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 244593}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 244769}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98747})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256689, 344125}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 344585}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 344759}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98757})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256689, 444488}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 445116}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 445629}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 97887})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256689, 544104}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 544922}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 545177}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98339})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256689, 645073}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 645842}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 646095}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 97421})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256689, 745072}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 745529}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 745705}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 97811})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256689, 844053}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 844508}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256689, 844683}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256695, 644801}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98715})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256695, 744157}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256695, 744612}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256695, 744789}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98727})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256695, 844133}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256695, 844588}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256695, 844763}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98753})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256695, 944127}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256695, 944583}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256695, 944758}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98758})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256696, 44100}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 44560}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 44736}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98780})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256696, 144096}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 144591}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 144774}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98742})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256696, 244069}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 244531}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 244708}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98808})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256696, 344061}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 344518}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 344694}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98822})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256696, 444048}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 444506}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 444683}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98833})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256696, 544033}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 544529}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 544715}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98801})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256696, 644013}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 644478}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 644656}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98860})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256696, 744001}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 744455}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 744631}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98885})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256696, 843979}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 844437}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 844612}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98904})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256696, 943969}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 944427}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256696, 944604}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98912})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256697, 43945}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 44398}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 44572}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98944})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256697, 143942}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 144398}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 144573}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98943})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256697, 243921}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 244381}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 244556}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98960})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256697, 343910}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 344374}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 344551}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98965})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256697, 443882}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 444333}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 444508}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 99008})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256697, 544879}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 545371}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 545554}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 97962})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256697, 643865}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 644323}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 644499}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 99017})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256697, 744846}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 745301}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 745477}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98039})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256697, 844825}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 845280}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 845456}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98060})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256697, 944817}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 945272}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256697, 945449}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98067})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256698, 44796}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256698, 45245}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256698, 45421}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98095})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256698, 144796}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256698, 145256}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256698, 145428}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98088})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256698, 244773}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256698, 245229}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256698, 245404}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98112})   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256698, 344758}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1098256698, 345212}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256698, 345389}, NULL) = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], {0, 98127}<ASF network reader> : Aborting: read() returned 
115  ( Operacja jest wanie wykonywana )
<ASF network reader> : Unknown Content-Type - closing...
)   = 0 (Timeout)
gettimeofday({1098256698, 444720}, NULL) = 0
ioctl(9, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(10, "\0", 1)                      = 1
ioctl(9, FIONREAD, [1])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1098256698, 446454}, NULL) = 0
write(3, "\232\24\25\0*\0`\2\1\0\0\0D\0\0\0\10\0\7\0\0\0\7\0\7\0"..., 340) = 340
read(3, "\26\0\300\2(\0`\2(\0`\2\'\0`\2\303\0\31\0S\0\25\0\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\f\5\300\2(\0`\2:\0\0\0\31\0\25\0\0\0\233\10\1\0\0\0\240"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\1W\301\2\v\0\0\0W\0\0\0\206\325\251\0\v\0\331\10\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\r\0`\2\21\0`\2\25\0`\2\31\0`\2\35\0`\2\36\0`\2\"\0`\2"..., 44) = 44
write(3, "\24\0\6\0\206\325\251\0\7\1\0\0\6\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0"..., 24) = 24
read(3, "\1\0\302\2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\320"..., 32) = 32
write(3, "\17\0\2\0\206\325\251\0", 8)  = 8
read(3, "\1s\303\2\17\0\0\0W\0\0\0W\0\0\0\17\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\320U"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\1\0`\2\207\325\251\0\210\325\251\0\211\325\251\0\212\325"..., 60) = 60
write(3, "(\0\4\0\1\0`\2\206\325\251\0\0\0\0\0", 16) = 16
read(3, "\1\1\304\2\0\0\0\0\1\0`\2\6\0\32\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\320"..., 32) = 32
write(3, "\3\0\2\0\206\325\251\0\16\325\2\0\206\325\251\0", 16) = 16
read(3, "\1\0\305\2\3\0\0\0!\0\0\0\1\0\0\1\377\377\377\377\0\0\0"..., 32) = 32
read(3, "\34\0\30\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\211\10", 12) = 12
read(3, "\1\30\306\2\0\0\0\0W\0\0\0\0\0\220\2\234\1P\0\0\0\0\0\270"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(3, "\22\0\30\0\1\0`\2(\0\0\0)\0\0\0 \0\0\0\22\0\0\0\32\2\0"..., 492) = 492
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [32])                = 0
read(3, "\34\371\307\2\1\0`\2(\0\0\0\374e\362B\0\0`\2\22\0\0\000"..., 32) = 32
write(3, "=\0\4\0(\0`\2\0\0\0\0S\0\25\0008\0\4\0+\0`\2\0\0\10\0\0"..., 344) = 344
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], NULL)         = 1 (in [9])
read(9, "\0", 1)                        = 1
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], NULL)         = 1 (in [3])
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [32])                = 0
read(3, "\n\3\347\2\1\0`\2\0\371\377\277\7\0\0\0 \0\0\0 \0\0\0\350"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(9, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
write(10, "\0", 1)                      = 1
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [32])                = 0
read(3, "\34\371\347\2W\0\0\0O\1\0\0007p\362B\0\0\0\0\n\0\0\000"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [32])                = 0
read(3, "\34\371\347\2W\0\0\0T\1\0\0>p\362B\0\0\0\0>p\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [32])                = 0
read(3, "\34\371\347\2W\0\0\0T\1\0\0Ep\362B\0\0\0\0Ep\362B8\371"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [32])                = 0
read(3, "\34\371\347\2\1\0`\2v\1\0\0Wp\362B\0\0`\2\4\0\0\0008\371"..., 32) = 32
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], NULL)         = 1 (in [9])
read(9, "\0", 1)                        = 1
write(3, "=\0\4\0\35\0`\2\0\0\0\0\21\1\22\0;\3\5\0+\0`\2\0\0\0\0"..., 1544) = 1544
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
select(10, [3 9], [], [], NULL <unfinished ...>
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