On Tue, 2 Jan 2001, Ramon van Handel wrote:

> However, I do think we should stick to a common language, and I am very
> much against the use of C++.  It is not so much an issue of performance
> but of clean architecture.  The plex86 user program is written in C and
> though the only requirement for plugins is that they obey the C calling
> convention, it doesn't seem like a clean design to write "basic" plex
> plugins in a completely different way.  The bochs plugin is basically a
> hack --- io.cc deals with all of the conversions, and it is VERY
> ugly.  We should convert it to C when we split it (which shouldn't be too
> difficult because though the bochs plugin is written in C++, it doesn't
> actually use any serious OO.)

By the way, the write-cache wouldn't compile on FreeBSD. I don't have the
error here (I'm at work), but I can supply it if anyone is interested. If
it's changing to C anyway, it probably won't matter.


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