>From ChangeLog: - "Kevin P. Lawton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Wed Jan 10 17:24:18 EST 2001 Moved previous files in dt-testbed to dt-testbed/proto0. Created new dir dt-testbed/proto1. Check out README in that dir. -Kevin ======================================================================= >From the td-testbed/proto1/README file: This is another testbed for prototyping the lightweight dynamic translation scheme in plex86. You can tweak parameters in the top of 'dt.h' before compiling. I will be adding more parameters and modeling to this code over time. Then just type 'make'. Guest code is actually generated in 'guest.c'. I will also be adding different kinds of guest code sequences to that file. The first rev of this guest code exercises static out-of-page branches in nearly the worst possible scenario. I generate code which weaves a path branching back and forth between two arbitrary guest pages. At the end, based on 'DT_LOOP_COUNT' this process is repeated. I did this purposely to magnify the overhead imposed by the branch handling shims and code as much as possible, so that we can work on trimming them down by trying various techniques. This is not anywhere near realistic for code, but it's useful for development. Some results thus far, based on the command 'time ./dt' are below. Once this is trimmed down, I may model some more realistic guest code. The generated code and branch handler in this first effort, is horribly inefficient currently. I'll enhance that soon. Wed Jan 10 17:04:06 EST 2001: Native DT Slowdown factor 0.72 user 54.68 user 76:1