
I have just subscribed to the list and am about to check out the

It was about a year since I checked the PLex86 site, and there was not
a lot there..

I now see from the front page that Win95 runs.

What is the current status now?

How fast is it?

I have a K6-2 300, 128MB Ram notebook, with Linux on 1 partition and
Win200 on another.

If I put Plex86 on, will it run the Win2000 from the 2nd parttion, or
am I a little premiture?  :-)

What about Win98?

What about speed on this sort of spec box?


Bye for Now,


                                (o o)
 |  Ian Chilton        (IRC Nick - GadgetMan)     ICQ #: 16007717  |
 |  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Web: http://www.ichilton.co.uk  |
 |        Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.         |

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