This message gets weirder the more it shows up.  My words are spelled 
forward, but placed in reverse.

On Saturday 27 October 2001 04:33 pm, you wrote:
> .&bet;&resh;&shin;&tav; &he;&alef;&tav;&resh; &bet;&shin;&yod;&vav;&vav;&qof; &yod;&ayin;&vav;&ftsadi;          - > >
.&he;&alef;&tav;&resh; &pe;&ayin;&yod;&lamed;&vav;&tav; &ayin;&lamed; &samekh;&tet;&tet;&yod;&samekh;&tet;&yod; &mem;&ayin;&qof;&bet;          - > >
.&shin;&nun;&he; &lamed;&mem;&shin;&fkaf; &mem;&he;&yod;&resh; &yod;&shin;&resh;&alef;&lamed;&yod; &bet;&shin;&resh;&tav; &alef;&kaf;&samekh;&vav;&fnun;          - > >
.&bet;&resh;&shin;&tav; &dalet;&vav;&mem;&yod;&yod;&fnun; &shin;&fmem; &qof;&nun;&yod;&yod;&tav;          - > >
.&tav;&mem;&vav;&nun;&vav;&tav; &vav;&ayin;&yod;&bet;&vav;&dalet; &samekh;&resh;&yod;&qof;&tav; &kaf;&vav;&lamed;&lamed; ,ℷ&resh;&pe;&yod; &ayin;&yod;&tsadi;&vav;&bet;          - > >
.&he;&tav;&qof;&shin;&resh;&vav;&tav; &vav;&tet;&vav;&pe;&samekh; &shin;&yod;&resh;&vav;&tav;&yod;&fmem; &alef;&vav; &mem;&vav;&tsadi;&resh;&yod;&fmem; ,&he;&het;&bet;&resh;&he; > >
&pe;&resh;&vav;&pe;&yod;&lamed; :&mem;&dalet;&vav;&resh;&yod;&fmem; 3 &vav; ) Page Home( &tav;&dalet;&mem;&yod;&tav;&yod; &pe;&tav;&yod;&het;&he; &dalet;&fpe; &he;&mem;&kaf;&yod;&lamed; &alef;&tav;&resh; &bet;&nun;&yod;&yod;&tav;         - > >
:&kaf;&vav;&lamed;&lamed; &he;&mem;&het;&yod;&resh; > >
!!!&dalet;&vav;&lamed;&resh; 058 &mem; &he;&het;&lamed; &bet;&alef;&yod;&nun;&tet;&resh;&nun;&tet; >
> >
> :wrote you ,am 01:08 2001 October 27 Saturday On
> ).reply quoted the in left the on and original
>  the in right the on appear bullets the see to weird s'it ,note strange a
> On(
> ?list the from blocked be these Can  .spamming is sender the that bet
>  good pretty a s'it think I ,message a in "!!!" and lists bulletted see I
> henW

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