
> Damn, I need to get some docs up.  Position of Documentation Coordinator
> is open for grabs as of now.  The best revisions of the docs (Standard
> American or Standard Brtish English being the models for grammar--yes,
> they are different, but they are also close enough to each other to
> forgo problems) well be kept based on qrammar, syntax, spelling and
> readability.  

Hi there I've been lurking on the list for a little while. I've set up a 
'wiki' engine for other projects and it's been very helpful in compiling 
howtos, notes, links and general user contributed information.

I thought plex86 could use a wiki engine for that stuff. Take a look at




It's the perfect stepping stone between random mailing list discussions 
and real paper documents. What it does best is catch useful bits of info 
that would otherwise become neglected, or annoying FAQs

I'm offering the wiki script that I use, and help in setting it up if 
necessary. Let me know if you're interested.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                 <--

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