Ok, I'll see what I can do.... I do need to go away from this machine at
some point in time though...

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Robert Millan wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 01:01:32PM +0200, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:
> > > 
> > > I'll be in channel #plex86 of the Open Projects Network (irc.openprojects.net)
> > > by Sunday at 22:00 GTM. Is that time ok for everyone?
> > 
> > I can't be there then, what about Saturday 22:00 GMT?
> > 
> Fine for me, someone else is coming?
> -- 
> Robert Millan

|^^^ |  | |^^| |^^^  Drew Northup, N1XIM  |^^| |    |^^^ \  / /^^\ /^^~
|__  |  | |  | |                          |__| |    |___  \/  |__| |__
   | |  | |  | |           www.plex86.org |    |    |     /\  |  | |  \
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