I don't know if this list is still alive/active, but I just came across
this post and thought it was interesting to share how the City of Austin
has evolved their thinking about a CMS solution:

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 7:34 PM, Dylan Jay <d...@pretaweb.com> wrote:

> On 21/12/2009, at 12:28 PM, Dylan Jay wrote:
> ...
>> Another take home idea from this: if your government is putting out
>> tenders that exclude opensource and Plone specifically, creating waves can
>> get results. Especially if you can link it to jobs going elsewhere.
> My use of the words "creating waves" is a little too strong for what I
> meant. The way in which we and others in opensource here have done this is
> to talk to those in government about removing requirements in their
> procurement processes that specifically excluded opensource solutions.
> Government to some extent have been responsive to this. This has taken a
> long time and is really just about helping them understand that other
> models exist and they can get significant benefits by considering them
> fairly along with their existing solutions. Governments respond to the
> concept of openness and fairness (and some may respond to the concept of
> local jobs but that hasn't been our experience). They respond precisely
> because they want to avoid what happened in Austin.
> I didn't mean to suggest what those Austin guys did was the right way of
> going about it. If the tender has been written it's generally too late to
> do anything.
>> On 18/12/2009, at 6:13 PM, Matt Hamilton wrote:
>> Mark,
>>> What is the best way of us handling this? That article makes some harsh
>>> comments about Plone. If Plone were some large corporate I would imagine
>>> that lawyers would be swinging into action now.
>>> Do we want to publish some kind of official statement in response? Or
>>> privately contact that newspaper and ask them to retract their comment. It
>>> is a quote though so I don't know legal standing. Or do we just keep our
>>> head down and not draw attention to it?
>>> http://www.statesman.com/news/texas/local-firm-to-start-city
>>> -web-site-redesign-129437.html
>>> -Matt
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