On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 2:10 AM, Martin Aspeli <optilude+li...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 11 September 2012 06:43, Nathan Van Gheem <vangh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can anyone give the plip a try?
>> I'd like a review.
>> David, I know you were having js errors previously. I just tried the plip
>> buildout out and it seems to be working correctly.
> I just built it. It works.
Thanks Martin!

> My very, very quick first impression:
>  - we really want this
>  - we may want some way to tie it more closely to the Dexterity TTW editor
 - the UI is confusing ;)
I know...

> There's a *lot* going on, and buttons and toolbars all over the place. The
> colours are also fairly non-standard in a Plone context.
It's actually bootstrap. We had it more plone-like originally and it was
worse. Think we should go for something much more plain?

> I think we should try to get some user testing done on this, like we did
> for the theme mapper.
> Some basic things that confuse me just looking at it:
>  - The first screen you get is very bare; not sure how I got there, what's
> going on
Right, needs more explanation.

>  - Something odd is going on with the breadcrumbs
Right, we need "back to control panel" and such.

 - Text in the overlays is very small and form layout looks broken
I believe that's default plone styles. Overlay font-size is 80% but yah, we
can make that 100% for this.

>  - The toolbar looks too similar to the list of states/transitions
> underneath
Should we do a completely different color?

>  - I didn't notice the twiddles to open/close the state/transition bars up
> for more details
Yah, need a better way for users to notice those open up or open one up by

>  - The "Transitions>>" looks like a button and is a link, but clicking it
> does nothing
Yah, I noticed this too.

>  - The "states/transitions" switch looks like links inside the toolbar,
> but they behave more like how tabs behave elsewhere in Plone's UI
 - The tooltip hover help is great, though it doesn't look very Ploney
Not much of this is "Ploney." Yah, it needs some styling. The plone UI
needs to eventually have a standard tooltip...

 - It feels like I can affect the state-transition relationship from both
> ends (e.g. "source state" on a transition), which makes it hard for me to
> understand what affects what
Yes, you can. That was a "feature" :)

> I suspect many of these things could be solved quite easily by just moving
> a few things around and probably relegating a few more things to "advanced
> mode". Mostly, I think I'm missing something overarching to tie the whole
> thing together: what are states and transitions? How do they relate to each
> other?
Okay, I'll try thinking about it more. I really appreciate the feedback.
It's been so long since anyone has even said anything critical and I feel
like I am too familiar with the current state to properly be critical of
the UI.

> Maybe we can generate some kind of state chart graph for them?
If graphviz is installed, there is a button activated that'll generate a
graph for you. Or do you mean something different?

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