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Dear Framework Team Members,

Actually I had the intention not to nominate for any
Plone-the-Organisation related positions (including as Foundation
member) until I have completed a significant contribution I work on

But this call got my attention, since it's high time to help out and
take up more responsibility. I feel that Plone as a whole is moving to
it's decline phase, regarding to the product life-cycle model. There
are so much other new stars in the web application arena. But still,
Plone is strong and has much to offer - and much more is expected to
come. I believe that we can push Plone back to the growth phase.
Although this is not the core task of the FWT, a participation in this
team would be a first step.

So, I think I'm a matching candidate and I want to nominate myself.

Nominee Name:       Johannes Raggam
Nominee Email:      d...@programmatic.pro
Nominee IRC/github: thet
Nominee Web:        http://programmatic.pro

This is my motivation

* I feel, that CMS Systems loose some ground to fresh new web
services. Due to it's flexible architecture, I think Plone has good
potential to compete with nearly any kind of web related software -
CMS, blogging software, social communities, document management,
educational systems etc. But in some areas there is just a stronger
competition. Plone can and should gain some ground again there.

* There are other Frameworks to which Plone looses ground too.
Plone-the-Framework seems not so relevant compared to Frameworks like
Django, Pyramid, Symfony, Node.js and others. Also, Python looses
ground to Javascript. Changes are, that Python becomes the new Perl in
10 years from now. However, Python is a wonderful language (as
Javascript is) and Plone still is relevant as a framework if you know
how to handle it. But it can be better and the developer experience
can be brought some levels up. I would love to help Plone get back on
the track of relevant Frameworks though my points of view on this topic.

* I love the Open Source / Free Software movement and I believe it's
development model is superior to any closed source model.
Collaboration is the key. I believe, these experiences can be brought
to other areas than software development too. And it's happening!

My vision for Plone on the technical side is

- - Simple and clean API (Recent developments are encouraging -
beginning from Liz's keynote at the Plone Konferenz in Munich early
this year to Neic's followup in form of plone.api).

- - Less interwoven dependencies. Better separation of concerns.
Deinstallable core packages. (My common example: for plone.app.event,
the portlets and controlpanel configlets reside all in
plone.app.event. AT and DX can be independently activated. It should
be deinstallable.).

- - Less legacy dependencies (Zope2, CMF, Archetypes, ...).

- - Supporting WSGI through Zope (a necessity which Plone simply cannot
fulfill at the moment).

- - Preparing for Python 3 (Honestly, there are 3 options: Plone will
die, Python 3 will die or we change to Python 3).

And from the contributions side, I have this to show

* I work with Zope since 2002 and more intense with Zope and Plone
since 2005.

* My first contributions on collective date back to early 2007 (Snow
Sprint in Austria). I got Archetypes commit access in 2008 and Plone
core commit access in 2009, Zope SVN commit access in 2010 (together
with d2m, ajung and others I've done the new www.zope.org). I do core
contributions on a regular basis. Mostly bug fixing but also code
reviewing (especially for plone.app.event).

* I often work with bleeding edge components and source code checkouts
of central components for my projects. (AFAIK, I have brought the
first Plone 4.0 beta website live: http://gruene-akademie.at ).

* My first Plip is PLIP10886, a long running one which dates back to
2010 (or 2007 at the Snow Sprint, if I also count in the calendaring
team i was part of lead by Lennart and Spanky). The PLIP has still not
landed in core... The long project run is something I'm not especially
proud of. But it's a complex task with many packages and people
involved. A beta release stands on the doormat and should be ready
before the Plone Conference 2012.

I'm sure, the new FWT members, however will land in, will be awesome.
We have so many skilled developers - if all those apply, you'll have a
hard time to select the new team.

Best regards,
Johannes Raggam

On 10/02/2012 05:52 PM, David Glick (Plone) wrote:
> Hello Fellow Plone Developers,
> The Plone Framework Team is seeking nominations for a few open
> positions on the team. We need to replace a few members who have
> moved on to other things so that we can make sure the exciting
> stuff proposed for future Plone releases gets the consideration it
> deserves.
> The framework team's mission is to guide the ongoing technical work
> on Plone in ways that promote code quality and that are aligned
> with the community's interests. Specific framework team
> responsibilities include: * Conducting in-depth reviews of Plone
> improvement proposals (PLIPs) * Encouraging contributors to submit
> needed PLIPs, and helping mentor them through the process * Meeting
> with the team for an hour every 2 weeks to work on moving PLIPs
> through the process
> See http://plone.org/community/teams/framework for more
> information about the framework team, and
> http://plone.org/community/processes/plips for more about the
> procedure for considering proposed improvements.
> Framework team members are expected to have made significant (code
> or non-code) contributions to Plone, to be familiar with current
> Plone code and/or UI best practices, to have plenty of experience
> with buildout and to possess a tolerance for awkward silence during
> conference calls. You're probably a good candidate if: * You follow
> discussion on plone-developers or Plone core commits on github *
> You're already active reviewing Plone-related pull requests * You
> have an opinion about the future of Plone, but are also someone 
> respected for your ability to carefully consider opinions different
> from your own.
> If you or someone you know is interested in joining the team,
> please send a nomination email to the framework team list 
> (framework-t...@lists.plone.org).  Please include the name and
> email of the nominee as well as a note detailing experience with
> Plone and some reasons for wanting to join the team. Members will
> be selected by current and emeritus team members.
> thanks, David Glick Plone Framework Team

- -- 
programmatic  web development
di(fh) johannes raggam / thet
python plone zope development
mail: off...@programmatic.pro
web:  http://programmatic.pro
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