On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 9:45 AM, Eric Steele <ericsteel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Big +1 from me!
> For what it's worth, we replaced the stock livesearch with a select2
> widget in one of our sites this week. Works beautifully.
Oh really. I'm actually getting a little bit of grief from select2--trying
to make it work like a livesearch widget. Can you share the code?

I'm having trouble with things like:

1) hitting enter always clicks first result instead of submitting to search
2) search text disappears when you focus out

So tips would be great.

> On 6 Feb 2015, at 21:26, Nathan Van Gheem wrote:
> I'm working on fixing live search.
> I was wondering if I could move plone.app.search into Products.CMFPlone.
> The package only provides a view right now--seems a bit silly to be in it's
> own package.
> It would be part of this PLIP: https://dev.plone.org/ticket/13283
> Makes more sense to do it package by package instead of one huge PR.
> -Nathan
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Nathan Van Gheem
Solutions Architect
Wildcard Corp
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