Dear Philip, dear Plone Foundation Board!

We, the Framework Team, want to propose to support two "Strategic Sprints" on dedicated topics:

1) The Alpine City Sprint

The topic is on modernization of our framework components, Zope 2, cleanup, dependencies, simplification and so forth. No other. Jens Klein and Christine Baumgartner are organizing it. Modernizing the Plone's underlying framework is one of our mid-term strategic goals. The idea is to invite key persons for this sprint and support them with compensating travel costs.

The topics we want to cover include:

- Plone auf Zope 4
- PAS cleanup
- Module merge
- Remove/Reduce CMF Dependencies
- pep8
- dependency cleanup
- CMF removal/merge

2) Sprint on the new resource registry and JavaScript and CSS development.

There is no concrete sprint know, which would cover this topic. But we want to see one, which can cover such a topic. The resource registry still suffers from problem of new software: it does not support all use cases very well, it is buggy and under documented.
Maybe the artsprint (start 21.3.2016) can cover such a topic.

  the Framework Team.

programmatic  web development
di(fh) johannes raggam / thet
python plone zope development
plone framework  team  member
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