Il giorno 05/dic/2011, alle ore 17:19, "Zardetto Carlo" 
<> ha scritto:

> 2011-12-05T16:04:08 ERROR Application Couldn't install EasyNewsletter
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/OFS/", line 786, in 
> install_product
>   initmethod(context)
> File 
> "/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/plone-site/Products/EasyNewsletter/", 
> line 15, in initialize
>   import content
> File 
> "/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/plone-site/Products/EasyNewsletter/content/",
>  line 1, in ?
>   import EasyNewsletter
> File 
> "/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/plone-site/Products/EasyNewsletter/content/",
>  line 12, in ?
>   from Products.TemplateFields import ZPTField
> ImportError: No module named TemplateFields

Manca una delle dipendenze: TemplateFields appunto.

Sei sicuro di voler continuare così? Ci metteresti poco a rifare in 
installazione più contollabile.

-- luca (da iPhone)

> ------
> 2011-12-05T16:04:10 ERROR Five Could not import Product 
> Products.EasyNewsletter
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/Products/Five/", line 76, 
> in loadProducts
>   xmlconfig.include(_context, zcml, package=product)
> File "/usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/zope/configuration/", line 
> 515, in include
>   processxmlfile(f, context)
> File "/usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/zope/configuration/", line 
> 370, in processxmlfile
>   parser.parse(src)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.4/xml/sax/", line 107, in parse
>   xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse(self, source)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.4/xml/sax/", line 123, in parse
>   self.feed(buffer)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.4/xml/sax/", line 207, in feed
>   self._parser.Parse(data, isFinal)
> File "/usr/lib/python2.4/xml/sax/", line 348, in end_element_ns
>   self._cont_handler.endElementNS(pair, None)
> File "/usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/zope/configuration/", line 
> 349, in endElementNS
>   self.context.end()
> File "/usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/zope/configuration/", line 544, 
> in end
>   self.stack.pop().finish()
> File "/usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/zope/configuration/", line 691, 
> in finish
>   args = toargs(context, *self.argdata)
> File "/usr/lib/zope2.10/lib/python/zope/configuration/", line 1383, 
> in toargs
>   args[str(name)] = field.fromUnicode(s)
> :
> -----Messaggio originale----- From: Yuri
> Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 5:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Plone-IT] Installazione prodotto Easy Newsletter
> Non c'è nulla in event.log o client1.log o instance.log?
> Il 05/12/2011 17:03, Zardetto Carlo ha scritto:
>> Ti riferisci a questo.
>> ('No traversable adapter found', {u'content': [('version', '1.6'), ('mode', 
>> 'html'), ('setPosition', (107, 16)), ('setSourceFile', 'main_template'), 
>> ('beginScope', {u'tal:define': u'show_border 
>> context/@@plone/showEditableBorder', u'metal:define-macro': u'content', 
>> u'tal:attributes': u"class 
>> python:test(show_border,'documentEditable','')"}), ('setLocal', 
>> (u'show_border', )), ('startTag', (u'div', [(u'metal:define-macro', 
>> u'content', 'metal'), (u'tal:define', u'show_border 
>> context/@@plone/showEditableBorder', 'tal'), (u'tal:attributes', u"class 
>> python:test(show_border,'documentEditable','')", 'tal'), (u'class', None, 
>> 'insert', , False, None)])), ('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n\n ', 18, (111, 18), 
>> 0, {u'tal:replace': u'structure provider:plone.contentviews'})), ('optTag', 
>> (u'div', '', None, 1, [('startEndTag', (u'div', [(u'tal:replace', 
>> u'structure provider:plone.contentviews', 'tal')]))], [('insertStructure', 
>> (, {}, []))])), ('endScope', ()), ('rawtextColumn', (u'\n\n
>> \n\n \n \n \n \n\n ', 20)), ('setPosition', (121, 20)), ('useMacro', 
>> (u'here/global_statusmessage/macros/portal_message', , {}, [('startTag', 
>> (u'div', [(u'metal:use-macro', 
>> u'here/global_statusmessage/macros/portal_message', 'metal')])), 
>> ('rawtextColumn', (u'\n Portal status message\n
>> ', 26))])), ('setPosition', (123, 20)), ('setSourceFile', 'main_template'), 
>> ('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n \n ', 20, (125, 20), 0, {u'tal:content': 
>> u'structure provider:plone.abovecontent', u'id': 
>> u'viewlet-above-content'})), ('startTag', (u'div', [(u'id', 
>> u'id="viewlet-above-content"'), (u'tal:content', u'structure 
>> provider:plone.abovecontent', 'tal')])), ('insertStructure', (, {}, [])), 
>> ('endScope', ()), ('rawtextColumn', (u'\n\n ', 20)), ('setPosition', (127, 
>> 20)), ('defineSlot', (u'body', [('beginScope', {u'metal:define-slot': 
>> u'body'}), ('optTag', (u'metal:slot', None, 'metal', 0, [('startTag', 
>> (u'metal:slot', [(u'metal:define-slot', u'body', 'metal')]))], 
>> [('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n ', 20, (128, 20), 0, {u'replace': 
>> u'nothing'})), ('optTag', (u'tal:comment', '', 'tal', 0, [('startTag', 
>> (u'tal:comment', [(u'replace', u'nothing', 'tal')]))], [('insertText', (, 
>> [('rawtextColumn', (u"\n The div with ID #content will only show up if we're 
>> actually on a content\n view, never on edit forms, control panels etc. It's 
>> meant to only wrap the\n actual content that gets rendered on a page, not 
>> the other UI elements.\n ", 20))]))])), ('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n ', 20, 
>> (133, 20), 1, {u'tal:omit-tag': 
>> u'not:context/@@plone_context_state/is_view_template', u'id': u'content'})), 
>> ('optTag', (u'div', , None, 0, [('startTag', (u'div', [(u'id', 
>> u'id="content"'), (u'tal:omit-tag', 
>> u'not:context/@@plone_context_state/is_view_template', 'tal')]))], 
>> [('rawtextColumn', (u'\n ', 22)), ('setPosition', (135, 22)), ('defineSlot', 
>> (u'header', [('beginScope', {u'metal:define-slot': u'header', 
>> u'tal:content': u'nothing'}), ('optTag', (u'metal:header', None, 'metal', 0, 
>> [('startTag', (u'metal:header', [(u'metal:define-slot', u'header', 'metal'), 
>> (u'tal:content', u'nothing', 'tal')]))], [('insertText', (, 
>> [('rawtextColumn', (u'\n Visual Header\n ', 22))]))])), ('endScope', ())])), 
>> ('setPosition', (137, 22)), ('setSourceFile', 'main_template'), 
>> ('rawtextColumn', (u'\n ', 22)), ('setPosition', (138, 22)), ('defineSlot', 
>> (u'main', [('beginScope', {u'metal:define-slot': u'main', u'tal:content': 
>> u'nothing'}), ('optTag', (u'metal:bodytext', None, 'metal', 0, [('startTag', 
>> (u'metal:bodytext', [(u'metal:define-slot', u'main', 'metal'), 
>> (u'tal:content', u'nothing', 'tal')]))], [('insertText', (, 
>> [('rawtextColumn', (u'\n Page body text\n ', 22))]))])), ('endScope', 
>> ())])), ('setPosition', (140, 22)), ('setSourceFile', 'main_template'), 
>> ('rawtextColumn', (u'\n ', 20))])), ('endScope', ()), ('rawtextColumn', 
>> (u'\n ', 20))])), ('endScope', ())])), ('setPosition', (142, 20)), 
>> ('setSourceFile', 'main_template'), ('rawtextColumn', (u'\n\n ', 20)), 
>> ('setPosition', (144, 20)), ('defineSlot', (u'sub', [('beginScope', 
>> {u'metal:define-slot': u'sub'}), ('optTag', (u'metal:sub', None, 'metal', 0, 
>> [('startTag', (u'metal:sub', [(u'metal:define-slot', u'sub', 'metal')]))], 
>> [('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n \n ', 22, (146, 22), 0, {u'tal:replace': 
>> u'structure provider:plone.belowcontent'})), ('optTag', (u'div', '', None, 
>> 1, [('startEndTag', (u'div', [(u'tal:replace', u'structure 
>> provider:plone.belowcontent', 'tal')]))], [('insertStructure', (, {}, 
>> []))])), ('endScope', ()), ('rawtextColumn', (u'\n \n ', 20))])), 
>> ('endScope', ())])), ('setPosition', (148, 20)), ('setSourceFile', 
>> 'main_template'), ('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n\n \n \n', 0, (152, 0), 0, 
>> {u'tal:define': u'our_url 
>> context/@@plone_context_state/canonical_object_url;\n home_url 
>> context/@@plone_portal_state/portal_url;', u'tal:condition': 
>> u'python:our_url == home_url'})), ('setLocal', (u'our_url', )), ('setLocal', 
>> (u'home_url', )), ('condition', (, [('optTag', (u'tal:block', None, 'tal', 
>> 0, [('startTag', (u'tal:block', [(u'tal:define', u'our_url 
>> context/@@plone_context_state/canonical_object_url;\n home_url 
>> context/@@plone_portal_state/portal_url;', 'tal'), (u'tal:condition', 
>> u'python:our_url == home_url', 'tal')]))], [('rawtextBeginScope', (u' \n', 
>> 0, (156, 0), 0, {u'tal:define': u"presults 
>> python:context.portal_catalog(portal_type='News Item', 
>> path='/olgiate_olona/news', sort_on='effective', sort_order='desc', limit=8, 
>> Subject='IN PRIMO PIANO')", u'class': u'discreet'})), ('setLocal', 
>> (u'presults', )), ('startTag', (u'div', [(u'class', u'class="discreet"'), 
>> (u'tal:define', u"presults python:context.portal_catalog(portal_type='News 
>> Item', path='/olgiate_olona/news', sort_on='effective', sort_order='desc', 
>> limit=8, Subject='IN PRIMO PIANO')", 'tal')])), ('setPosition', (157, 20)), 
>> ('beginScope', {u'tal:repeat': u'news python: presults[:7]', u'class': 
>> u'novita2'}), ('loop', (u'news', , [('rawtextColumn', (u'\n ', 20)), 
>> ('startTag', (u'div', [(u'class', u'class="novita2"'), (u'tal:repeat', 
>> u'news python: presults[:7]', 'tal')])), ('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n \n ', 
>> 19, (159, 19), 0, {u'tal:define': u'pobj python:news.getObject()'})), 
>> ('setLocal', (u'pobj', )), ('optTag', (u'tal:block', None, 'tal', 0, 
>> [('startTag', (u'tal:block', [(u'tal:define', u'pobj 
>> python:news.getObject()', 'tal')]))], [('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n\n ', 20, 
>> (161, 20), 0, {u'tal:content': u'news/Title', u'href': u'/view', u'class': 
>> u'tileHeadline2', u'tal:attributes': u'href pobj/absolute_url'})), 
>> ('startTag', (u'a', [(u'class', u'class="tileHeadline2"'), (u'href', 
>> u'/view', 'replace', , False, None), (u'tal:attributes', u'href 
>> pobj/absolute_url', 'tal'), (u'tal:content', u'news/Title', 'tal')])), 
>> ('insertText', (, [('rawtextColumn', (u'\n Event headline\n ', 20))])), 
>> ('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n
>> \n\n', 0, (168, 0), 1, {u'src': u'', u'alt': u'n', u'border': u'0', 
>> u'tal:replace': u"structure python: pobj.tag(scale='mini', 
>> css_class='newsImage')"})), ('optTag', (u'img', '', None, 1, 
>> [('startEndTag', (u'img', [(u'tal:replace', u"structure python: 
>> pobj.tag(scale='mini', css_class='newsImage')", 'tal'), (u'src', u'src=""'), 
>> (u'alt', u'alt="n"'), (u'border', u'border="0"')]))], [('insertStructure', 
>> (, {}, []))])), ('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n\n
>> \n ', 19, (171, 19), 1, {u'tal:replace': u'structure pobj/CookedBody'})), 
>> ('optTag', (u'div', '', None, 0, [('startTag', (u'div', [(u'tal:replace', 
>> u'structure pobj/CookedBody', 'tal')]))], [('insertStructure', (, {}, 
>> [('rawtextOffset', (u'This element is a comment.', 26))]))])), ('endScope', 
>> ()), ('rawtextColumn', (u'\n\n ', 15))])), ('endScope', ()), 
>> ('rawtextColumn', (u'\n
>> \n\n ', 25))])), ('endScope', ()), ('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n \n\n
>> \n
>> \n
>> -----Messaggio originale----- From: Yuri
>> Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 4:54 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Plone-IT] Installazione prodotto Easy Newsletter
>> Il 05/12/2011 16:32, Zardetto Carlo ha scritto:
>>> Pensavo anch' io che fosse un problema di compatibilità
>>> ma questa versione è sia per il 3 che per il 4
>>> Products.EasyNewsletter 2.6.1
>>> An easy to use but powerfull newsletter/mailing product for Plone 3+4
>> prova a postare il log completo dell'errore di prima, allora...
>>> Come faccio a vedere esattamente che versione di plone ho installato ?
>>> Zope Version (Zope 2.10.6-final, python 2.4.6, linux2)
>>> Python Version 2.4.6 (#2, Jan 24 2010, 11:46:09) [GCC 4.3.2]
>>> -----Messaggio originale----- From: Yuri
>>> Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 4:20 PM
>>> To: La lista degli italiani appassionati di Plone.
>>> Subject: Re: [Plone-IT] Installazione prodotto Easy Newsletter
>>> Il 05/12/2011 15:54, Zardetto Carlo ha scritto:
>>>> Super disastro
>>>> 'No traversable adapter found', {u'content': [('version', '1.6'), ('mode', 
>>>> 'html'), ('setPosition', (107, 16)), ('setSourceFile', 'main_template'), 
>>>> ('beginScope', {u'tal:define': u'show_border 
>>>> context/@@plone/showEditableBorder', u'metal:define-macro': u'content', 
>>>> u'tal:attributes': u"class 
>>>> python:test(show_border,'documentEditable','')"}), ('setLocal', 
>>>> (u'show_border', )), ('startTag', (u'div', [(u'metal:define-macro', 
>>>> u'content', 'metal'), (u'tal:define', u'show_border 
>>>> context/@@plone/showEditableBorder', 'tal'), (u'tal:attributes', u"class 
>>>> python:test(show_border,'documentEditable','')", 'tal'), (u'class', None, 
>>>> 'insert', , False, None)])), ('rawtextBeginScope', (u'\n\n ', 18, (111, 
>>>> 18), 0, {u'tal:replace': u'structure provider:plone.contentviews'})), 
>>>> ('optTag', (u'div', '', None, 1, [('startEndTag', (u'div', 
>>>> [(u'tal:replace', u'structure provider:plone.contentviews', 'tal')]))], 
>>>> [('insertStructure', (, {}, []))])), ('endScope', ()), ('rawtextColumn', 
>>>> (u'\n\n
>>>> \n\n \n \n \n \n\n ', 20)), ('setPosition', (121, 20)), ('useMacro', 
>>>> (u'here/global_statusmessage/macros/portal_message', , {}, [('startTag', 
>>>> (u'div', [(u'metal:use-macro', 
>>>> u'here/global_statusmessage/macros/portal_message', 'metal')])), 
>>>> ('rawtextColumn', (u'\n Portal status message\n
>>>> ........
>>>> e' bastato copiare la cartella tra i products (neanche installararla) ed è 
>>>> uscita sta sfilza di errori .
>>>> Ho cancellato la cartella , ho riavviato tutto ed è a posto.
>>> Infatti volevo chiederti se la versione è giusta. In che versione di
>>> plone devi installare easynewsletter? Nel caso pesca da la
>>> versione adatta alla tua.
>>>> Che spavento
>>>> -----Messaggio originale----- From: Yuri
>>>> Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 3:37 PM
>>>> To: La lista degli italiani appassionati di Plone.
>>>> Subject: Re: [Plone-IT] Installazione prodotto Easy Newsletter
>>>> Il 05/12/2011 15:08, Zardetto Carlo ha scritto:
>>>>> Ho solo bisogno di installare questo pacchetto , poi seguirò , buono 
>>>>> buono l acorrente con
>>>>> plone 4.0, ma dovrei rifare lo il template , adattare parti di codice al 
>>>>> plone 4.0 ...
>>>>> Con il 2012 partrò con plone 4.0 e biuldout ma per ora ho bisogno solo di 
>>>>> questo pacchetto
>>>>> per chiudere il lavoro.
>>>> Copia da Products.EasyNewsletter l'ultima cartella EasyNewsletter e
>>>> mettila nella dir products, dovrebbe andare.
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