Op 08-02-12 20:42, Jon Stahl schreef:
Hi all-

A hypothetical question for all of you add-on product developers out there...

I am doing some high-level thinking (which I will be sharing soon)
about the future architecture for add-on product data in plone.org,
and one question that's occurred to me is whether we are at a point
where we can deprecate our POI issue trackers in favor of
externally-hosted issue trackers, such as those provided by Github.

Is anybody on this list still actively using their POI/PSC issue
tracker on plone.org?  If we were to set a "deprecation date" with,
say, a couple months' notice, would that pose a major hardship?

I'd love to hear your thoughts.  To repeat: no decisions have been
made, I'm just floating a trial balloon.

Hi Jon and others,

I don't always read the mailing lists every day or week, so I am coming to this a bit late. :-) I will add some thoughts here as the current maintainer of Poi.

I think the Poi trackers on plone.org work just fine. I am not aware of big problems. If you do have problems, please report them in this thread or in this fine issue tracker on plone.org. :-)

That said, the issue trackers on github work just fine too.  I use both.

I work for Zest Software and we use Poi on our projects site. I know two other Dutch Plone companies that use it too. So Poi is not going away or be unmaintained any time soon.

So: I see no immediate reason to deprecate the Poi trackers on plone.org. But I don't mind much if that does happen.

I could probably write an exporter, or give feedback and assistance to someone else doing that. I did not immediately notice an issue importer on github though. Is there such a tool on github or on other popular platforms that offer issue trackers?


Maurits van Rees   http://maurits.vanrees.org/
Web App Programmer at Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl
"Logical thinking shows conclusively that logical thinking
is inconclusive." - My summary of Gödel, Escher, Bach

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