
I had some time to revisit the package that I released last year that 
implements OAuth provider support for Plone.  Improvements were made to make it 
safer and friendlier to use.  Safer in the sense that python-oauth2 is stripped 
out and replaced more thoroughly tested, actively developed/maintained and 
RFC5849 conforming oauthlib, with a revamp of the scope management and handling 
that is based on endpoints offered by content-types, and done in a way that 
scope for each access token will not mutate with respect to future changes to a 
given scope identifier.  Friendlier in the sense that specified scope(s) can be 
constructed in a way so that when they are presented to resource owners, the 
list of permissions to be granted can be understood by them at a glance.  This 
is especially useful in cases where package developers wishing to enable users 
to export their private data; they can create a scope profile permitting the 
target endpoint(s) and inform their clients (consumers) t
o use the
m.  Please refer to the 'Using OAuth with scope' section in the documentation 
for details to the revised built-in scope manager.

For more in-depth list of changes, documentation and installation instruction, 
this can be found at:

One unfortunate note is that due to the large amount of restructuring and 
wording changes, the translations table graciously provided by giacomos no 
longer applies to this version.

Comments, suggestions and patches are welcomed.


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