espen wrote
> Hi
> I am no wizard on this, but I think this should work if you are not
> upgrading the other product, just installing it.
> 1) Make an upgrade step in your product (xcml)
> 2) Make a new profile in your product (in other words a folder
> "upgrade_1_to_2" with metadata.xml in it

I once tried this, it does not work...

espen wrote
> __________________
> Maybe you also could try (untested)
> <gs:upgradeStep
>     title="Upgrade my cool product"
>     description="Upgrade my product and install another product described
> in /profiles/ugrade_1_to_2/metadata.xml"
>     source="1"
>     destination="2"
>     handler=".upgrades.upgrade_1_to_2"
>     profile="my.product:upgrade_1_to_2"/>
> And something in of you product, maybe 
> def upgrade_1_to_2(context):
>     """Upgrade something"""
>     setup = getToolByName(context, 'portal_setup')
>     setup.runAllImportStepsFromProfile('profile-some.product:someprofile')

I currently do it in this way, but I thought it was a little overkill.
Probably not...

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