
I just made a first release of collective.local.workspace.

This is a bundle of collective.local.* packages,
which are very light packages (one package, one feature) to help you to add
groupware features to your Plone site.

collective.local.workspace adds a content type that implements all
collective.local.* behaviours and adds a Workspace Manager role, a workflow
that gives him the right permissions, an api to get the workspace you are,
string interpolators to get the title and url of the workspace.

* collective.local.adduser -> Allows non-manager users, once they locally
have 'Add user' role, to invite new users in the context of a folder,
giving them roles on this folder only. The feature takes place on sharing
page view.

* collective.local.addgroup -> Allows non-manager users to create groups,
give them roles on a folder and manage the list of users in the context of
a folder.

* collective.local.sendto -> Advanced 'send to' feature : you can send html
emails to people that have a role on the context

* collective.local.userlisting -> Displays the list of users with roles on
the workspace (without access to sharing page)

* collective.local.contentrules -> Adds string interpolators to send emails
to people that have a role and a view access to the context

Each package works independently. Excepted collective.local.workspace, this
packages do not need a specific role or workflow.


Thomas Desvenain

Téléphone : 09 51 37 35 18
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