Hi Dylan,

Dylan Jay wrote:
If you have conditional imports scan doesn't work so well. I had this
problem recently with a pyramid project where I didn't want a file
imported otherwise it caused a syntax error.

I do use conditional imports and I don't see the real issue here (yet).

I think, this is mainly a problem from recursive scan. If you do scan per file, you can have conditions just normally. With Grok,
you can already use:

    <grok:grok module=".foobar" zcml:condition="installed ..." />

Of course, in Python, you need to be more verbose:

    except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
        HAS_SOMETHING = False
        HAS_SOMETHING = True

       import module

Alternatively, you could group conditional imports into a subpackage
and do normal conditional include:

    import subpackage  # does nothing with empty __ini__.py
    configure.include(package=subpackage, condition='installed ...')

You could also still do just

    configure.include(package='.subpackage', condition='installed ...')

but using strings instead of references takes away one point from using
Python configuration. Still, it might make sense when using just a separate configuration file, like:

                      condition='installed ...')

(A side note: I'm not sure if an implicit condition-argument is the best way to support zcml-conditions, but that's what I have for now.)

So, personally, I think that having a separate configuration file (configure.[zcml|py]) is more important than separate language.


I think there are some good reasons why you don't use python as a
configuration syntax. Another example is setuotools. You can't
introspect metadata about a package without allowing full access to
python. Its for this reason you can't run a query on pypi as to what
package depends on what.
If you want to remove XML from the syntax is python the best choice?

On 6 Jan 2014 05:43, "Asko Soukka" <asko.sou...@iki.fi
<mailto:asko.sou...@iki.fi>> wrote:

    Hi Steve,

    thank you for your positive feedback.

    Do you think that the current syntax is ok as such, or would you
    like to change something in it?

    To summarize the syntax:

    0. packages should have [meta|configure|overrides].py similarly to zcml
        (I'm not changing how zope.configuration works, but just adding
    a new
        syntax for it from what we've learned from Grok and Pyramid.)

    1. configure.namespaceshortcut.__somedirective(*args)

        Any normal configuration call. (Namespaceshortcuts are simply
        mapped into known namespace using a dict in c.venusianconfig.)
        Classes, functions and methods (but not lambdas) can be passed
        as arguments, but they are interpreted back to strings for

    2. with configure(package='...') as subconfigure

        Nested directives are implemented with contextmanagers.


        Directive calls can be used as decorators by adding one more
        part into configuration call (e.g. class_ for browser:page,
        handler for subscriber, factory for adapter, etc.)

    4. import submodule

        Decorators from other that [meta|configure|overrides].py must be
        read with scan (similarly to Pyramid)

        Currently, scanning is not recursive and does even prohibit
        scanning of subpackages in favor of

    I'm still think thinking mainly two things before adopting this to
    our team for internal packages:

    - scan() should probably be recursive and work for subpackages similarly
       to Pyramid and Grok, but it would then compete with
    <include package="" />

    - should there be a set of predefined shortcuts like

       page = configure.browser.page
       adapter = configure.adapter

       which could be used like directive


       page_config = configure.browser.page.class_
       adapter_config = configure.adapter.factory

       which could be used as class/function decorator

    Shortcuts would make the configuration to look simpler, but would
    also add "magic" and more difficult to mentally "map" the
    configuration code back to zcml.


    Steve McMahon wrote:

        I like this a lot. It allows us to get configuration into Python
        being as magical as grok.

        One thing I particularly like: knowledge of zcml would easily map to
        this -- and back! That would make it great for teaching.

        On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 12:17 AM, Asko Soukka <asko.sou...@iki.fi
        <mailto:asko.sou...@iki.fi <mailto:asko.sou...@iki.fi>>> wrote:


        last year there was (again) a long discussion about pros and cons of
        grok-based configuration:



        TL;DR; It seems that Grok will never have feature parity with ZCML,
        but it has use cases and we have nothing to replace it.

        I've been experimenting with an alternative lately: a venusian-based
        configuration library for zope.configuration; All python, minimal
        dependencies, uses the same directive code as ZCML (= feature
        parity), no conventions - just IDE-friendly Python-based

        I'm not forcing this to anyone. An another way to configure may be
        the last thing we need. Yet, I want to try this approach as a
        grok-replacement for our (my employer) internal packages during this
        spring (we'll have new developers and grok has always been easier to
        teach than ZCML). Only for add-on-packages.

        So, before spending too much time polishing the code, I'd like to
        request for your comments about the configuration syntax, which I've
        been tinkering:









        So, it's not grok. It's a Python-syntax for zope.configuration with
        optional support for limited set of decorators (directives with
        class, factory or handler).

        Venusian-library is used to make all configuration directives lazy:
        venusian creates "registration callbacks" during module import, but
        those callbacks are only executed when packages is imported by

        The current catch is that this needs one line in zope.conf (for
        monkeypatching zope.configuration) and custom site.zcml (for
        z3c.autoinclude also Python-configured packages). These are required
        to work around hardcoded zcml-expectations.

        Waiting for your comments.

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