All this drama for the VERY low traffic product developers list?

Email notifications work fine for me in discourse and I'll also add that
the product developers list is not for core developers. I suspect for a
majority of users, discourse will be superior.

+1 on this effort from me. Discourse is a step in the right direction.

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Guido Stevens <>wrote:

> On 28-05-14 11:07, Martin Opstad Reistadbakk wrote:
>> You can still get emails like a mailinglist and reply to them as normal.
> The clickpath for that is far from obvious and if it's documented I didn't
> find the documentation.
> There's a core development category I cannot follow. Within the core
> development topic I found a core development subcategory I could follow,
> but "tracking" is not enough one needs to "watch". Then I'm still not
> getting any messages and have to go to my personal preferences to activate
> maximal verbosity. I'm wondering what else I missed.
> All the interface defaults here are skewed to not getting email. I'm not
> going to be bothered to log into Discourse frequently; I need email to
> follow the pulse of the community. I think it would be wise to monitor
> activity levels on Discourse as compared to list traffic thus far. If
> volume falls of, that would indicate a problem.
> :*CU#
> --
>     Guido Stevens  |  +31.43.3618933  |
>     s o c i a l   k n o w l e d g e   t e c h n o l o g y
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> Product-Developers mailing list

Nathan Van Gheem
Solutions Architect
Wildcard Corp
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