Hola Plonistas

Estoy usando buildout.python [0] para compilar Python 2.4 para unos
proyectos que están aun con Plone 3.3.x :/

El problema es que buildout.python me genera mi interprete mas no me da
soporte a SSL y cuando requiero descargar un paquete Egg desde un sitio con

changing mode of /home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload/
to 755
running install_scripts
copying build/scripts-2.4/pydoc -> /home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/bin
copying build/scripts-2.4/idle -> /home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/bin
copying build/scripts-2.4/smtpd.py -> /home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/bin
changing mode of /home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/bin/pydoc to 755
changing mode of /home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/bin/idle to 755
changing mode of /home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/bin/smtpd.py to 755
if test -f /home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/bin/python -o -h
/home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/bin/python; \
    then rm -f /home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/bin/python; \
    else true; \
(cd /home/macagua/pythons/parts/opt/bin; ln python2.4 python)
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./Misc/python.man \
Installing virtualenv172.
Searching cache at /home/macagua/.buildout/downloads/
Using cache file
virtualenv172: Extracting package to
Installing python-2.4-virtualenv.
Installing python-2.4.
python-2.4: Running '
/home/macagua/pythons/bin/virtualenv-2.4 /home/macagua/pythons/python-2.4
/home/macagua/pythons/python-2.4/bin/easy_install -U collective.dist'
New python executable in /home/macagua/pythons/python-2.4/bin/python2.4
Also creating executable in /home/macagua/pythons/python-2.4/bin/python
Installing pip................done.
Searching for collective.dist
Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/collective.dist/
Download error on http://pypi.python.org/simple/collective.dist/: unknown
url type: https -- Some packages may not be found!
Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/collective.dist/
Download error on http://pypi.python.org/simple/collective.dist/: unknown
url type: https -- Some packages may not be found!
Couldn't find index page for 'collective.dist' (maybe misspelled?)
Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)
Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/
Download error on http://pypi.python.org/simple/: unknown url type: https
-- Some packages may not be found!
No local packages or download links found for collective.dist
error: Could not find suitable distribution for
python-2.4: Non zero exit code (1) while running command.
  Installing python-2.4.

Error: Non zero exit code (1) while running command.

Ya tengo instalando los paquetes openssl libssl-dev

Alguna idea?

[0] https://github.com/collective/buildout.python


T.S.U. Leonardo Caballero
Linux Counter ID = https://linuxcounter.net/user/369081.html
Key fingerprint = 9FD2 DC71 38E7 A1D1 57F5  1D29 04DE 43BC 8A27 424A

/me Corriendo Debian Wheezy y Canaina GNU/Linux 3
/me Cree "El Conocimiento Humano le Pertenece al Mundo"
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