On 5/22/2011 9:06 AM, Alex Clark wrote:

Assuming a fix for: http://plone.org/products/zopeskel/issues/59 is in progress (or completed), sounds good to me :-).

I don't know exactly what that ticket is saying, so I'm going to say... "yeah it's there, and boy is it ever!" ;) Feel free to send a patch assuming you don't have commit access to the collective and can't just fix stuff yourself. ;)

*tongue removed from cheek*

But seriously, whatever bug fixes or enhancements are in trunk prior to the move would be in the "compatibility branch". Any that needed to be finished could still be worked in before the next release. If you have a list of bugs you really want fixed, post it to the list, maybe we can rally some people around them some time before the new branch is released.

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