Op 07-06-11 09:56, Mikko Ohtamaa schreef:

I am just reading changes in the latest ZopeSkel Dexterity templates:


Why we need to create one template folder per content? This seem to be
unnecessary bloating of the source code.

Why content types folder was removed? This was one of the folders
which actually made sense, even if you had 2-3 content types defined.

I suppose this was done to make the new layout more grok-like, with a bit of convention over configuration: models/content types in mymodel.py are associated automagically with templates in the mymodel_templates directory, unless explicitly specified differently.

Both approaches are fine with me; I think I can get used to the new layout.

Maurits van Rees
Web App Programmer at Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl
Personal website: http://maurits.vanrees.org/

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