On Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 21:54:49 (-0800) Alan W. Irwin writes:
 > [Alan wrote]
 > >> Our CMake-based build system looks for X, but if it is not present
 > >> the build
 > >> system sets certain CMake variables which are then used to
 > >> automatically
 > >> exclude the X-dependent components such as Tk language support and the
 > >> xwin and tk device drivers.
 > On 2008-12-10 21:01-0700 Jerry wrote:
 > >
 > > There is native Tk on OS X, not dependent on X11. I once made a
 > > feeble attempt to get PLplot to use it but failed.
 > Our Tk-related source code in its present form definitely depends on X11
 > (which is probably why your attempt sans X11 failed).  This topic has come
 > up before, and IIRC somebody planned to see whether our Tk-related source
 > code could be changed so the X11 dependency was no longer necessary.
 > However, no progress was reported so I don't think anything more was done.

There was a significant effort a long time ago that still exists as
drivers/tkwin.c and under bindings/tk-x-plat.  I never tried it tho, and it
remains only around for reference.  It's also strange that there are still
clearly some X calls in there, like XDrawLines(), but maybe TK-no-X has some
limited X function emulation built in.. I have no idea.

Maurice LeBrun

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