Hi Geoffrey,
thanks for the explanations. I often read about git or mercury, but 
never really understand how this should work. Now I understand it 
better, still I have one question:

I often commit "unfinished" work for only one reason - not to loose it. 
My laptop is old, the harddisk may get corrupt. I often spend some hours 
work and don't want to loose it. With git I can commit more often to my 
local repository which is fine. But if my laptop breaks these changes 
are also lost. You are talking about being adventurous and doing 
explanatory work - but are these changes only commited on my local 
(laptop) repository or also to the master repo (not being visible to 

Apart from that: I personally wouldn't mind using git for PLplot 
development as I already use Mercury (only for local revisioned backups) 
and I think what you said makes sense. BUT: the last time I checked was 
the Windows support of git not there where it should be. A long time 
only a cygwin port of git was available which was practically useless if 
you really want to work on Windows. An although I really prefer to code 
in Linux or Mac OS X over then in Windows, I really think that it is 
important to have a Windows port of PLplot. That was also one reason why 
I turned away immediately when I  checked git. Looks fine,  but no 
useful Windows port? Sorry, nowadays writing cross platform code for 
such projects as git is should be standard.

I just checked, there is now MSysGit and TortoiseGit but one can read 
between the lines (" although Git works very well (better, actually) on 
Linux or Mac. ") that it is still not there. I actually don't like it 
much to code in Windows (although it's 70% of my PLplot coding time), 
but making my life worse here doesn't help too much. So we really should 
make tests on Windows thoroughly if MsysGit is of any use in Windows.

So in my opinion I wouldn't mind change to git, many of the things you 
said sounds good. But for me personally I would like to have a decent 
Windows port first (which may be here already) to make the transition to 
git also easy for the people who need to work in Windows.


Geoffrey Furnish wrote:
> Hello all,
> Greetings after a long sabatical.  
> I've been lately trying again to get re-engaged with PLplot development.  One
> of the first things I'm trying to get done, is to merge the python branch
> that I had worked on about 15 months ago, and get that stuff onto trunk.
> Then there is some more python oriented work I'd like to do from there.
> We've undertaken a few big changes on the PLplot project over the years.  I
> guess the biggest one of late, was the cutover to cmake.  Personally, I'm
> still trying to recover from that.
> In my outside-PLplot life, I and most people I work with in the professional
> arena, ditched cvs/svn, and switched to git.  For me, and most of my closest
> professional colleagues, this switch has been both huge, and positive.
> By a huge switch, I don't so much mean to evoke worries of astronomical
> catalysis barriers, as just to say that the change to git has had a really
> big impact on how we do development.
> I have become so enamored with git, that I have come to view it as somewhat
> arduous to work with other, lesser systems.  SVN is at the top of my personal
> list of "lesser" systems.  Sometimes I wonder if the problem is just lack of
> education on svn-ways, but I keep running across internet articles where
> others lament the same difficulties as I have, so I don't think it's just me.
> Lately, in my attempts to try to get caught up with PLplot, I've actually
> been using the git svn client to track our git repo.  Some of you might've
> noticed my triffling commits a few days ago.  Those were committed using
> git-svn, with no direct personal interaction with svn itself.  
> The main purpose in this post is just to sample the other developers, all of
> you who are currently much more actively involved in PLplot than I am, or
> even than I expect to be once I regain my stride, so to speak, and just see
> if any of you would be interested in seeing PLplot switch to git.
> Here's the SF page relating to project git support:
>     http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Git
> Is anyone besides me interested in making the switch to git for the PLplot
> project? 
> On the off chance that there are some of you who don't have a strong opinion
> yet, and are willing to consider the options, I thought I'd just relate some
> of my personal experiences surrounding the cutover to git.
> At my former company, Lightspeed Logic, we eventually realized that we were
> outgrowing cvs.  We hired more people, had more going on, and decided to
> consider switching SCM's in the interest of promoting team productivity.  We
> did a sort of pilot study, in which people tried out both svn and git, then
> we had a results comparison meeting, and ended up choosing git.
> Looking back, the one thing I would say about our efforts to compare svn
> versus git, is that we were way too gracious to svn in the comparison.  The
> reasons we chose to switch to git instead of svn, proved to be much stronger
> in retrospect than we realized at the time we made the decision.
> I really don't want to provoke any sort of major flame war here, so I enter
> into a discussion of my perception of the technical stuff with some
> trepidation.  Fine with me if others  post alternative or contradictory
> viewpoints, but if it comes to that, let's just keep in mind that we're
> talking about personal perceptions and experiences.
> One of the biggest things that hits newcomers to git, is the whole concept of
> distributed source control.  Git docs talk about peer relationships and so
> on, and people sometimes wonder how you maintain any control in a git-managed
> project.  The git docs sometimes talk as if they're all about empowering
> anti-establishment rogue coders, and this fuels the perceptions that git is
> impossible to use for a project where anyone wants a sense of control.
> My answer to this is that it's just a policy decision, which is outside the
> space of SCM per se.  In other words, you just designate a repo as your
> "official" project/company repo, and that's it.  It's official because you
> say so, not because it occupies any particular point in the software
> collaboration interaction diagram.  SF provides a technique for hosting and
> communicating with that repo, so it's not at all hard for us to establish the
> identify of the "master project repo".  The policy needs to bbe backed up
> with some relatively straightforward understandings, such as, releases will
> be built from tags present in the project master repo, etc.
> The next big thing to understand about git is that it makes branching
> beautiful.  Others have written about the mechanisms of git branching, so I
> won't go into the mechanisms.  I just want to talk here about the experience,
> so to speak.  In git, you can fork a branch in a heartbeat.  You can switch
> beetween branches just as fast.  Well, you might want to do a commit of your
> work before switching away from a branch, but anyway its still fast.  And you
> can merge branches essentially willy-nilly, and git always seems to know what
> you're doing.
> With cvs, you could fork a branch, work on it for a while, then merge it back
> to the head.  As long as you used branches that way, they worked okay.  In
> svn, it seems--almost unbelievably--worse.  Apparently to do branch work
> right in svn, you have to actually keep crib notes of your revisions for
> subsequent manual merging.  Frankly what I've read about it in the context of
> svn has been so off-putting, that it's the main reason I haven't merged the
> python branch back to trunk yet.  The way I'll get it done, at this point, is
> probably going to be through git (using git svn if PLplot stays svn-centric).
> With git, when you want to merge a branch, you just say git merge <other
> branch>, and that merges other branch into your current branch.  And this
> works in all directions.  You can merge topic branches into master,
> quickly and easily.  And you can merge the master branch into your topic
> branch just as easily.  This lets you "track" trunk (called master in
> git-speak), easily, while maintaining as-yet unfinished topic work on a topic
> branch, until it's really ready to merge.
> If I had to pick one thing about git which is truly superlative, it's the
> branch management.  But, there isn't just one thing about git which makes it
> great.  It's beyond being just merely "great" because of so many features
> that all conspire together to make git a true game-changer in the world of
> SCM. 
> The next thing to understand about git is that it supports a wide variety of
> what I call "collaboration paradigms".  And I could hardly write down all the
> possible work flows.  Instead, let me just paint a picture of a few.
> 1) The same-old same-old cvs/svn approach, practiced with git.
> The project has a master repo, the one at SF.
> Developers clone it.
> They change code, check it in (git commit) to their local repo.
> Developers do "git pull" to track upstream changes.
> Developers do "git push" to push their changes up to the project master repo.
> 2) Individuals using branches, still mostly centralized
> The project has a master repo, the one at SF.
> Developers clone it.
> Developers create topic branches, do work thereupon.
> Developers push their branches up to the project master repo, as well
> as their changes to the master branch.
> Developers occasionally merge topic branches to the master branch, and
> push up this result of integration.
> 3) "Distributed development gone wild"
> The project has a master repo, the one at SF.
> Developers clone it.
> Developers create topic branches, do work thereupon.
> Developers publish their changes to "collaboration hubs".
> Other developers pull back and forth from their peers on as-interested
> basis. 
> Eventually subteams decide something is "done enough for public
> consumption".  
> Someone does a git co masster; git merge topic; git commit; git push origin
> to make the multi-developer topic branch integrated into the master branch
> and available in the project master repo.
> So that's a description of some work flows.  Of course that's just the
> beginning.  You can get a lot wilder than 3) if you're so inclined.  And I
> guess a key point here is that different members can practice the above
> collaboration styles concurrently.  It's not so much about abolishing option
> 1), as just enabling options 2) and 3).
> So why bother?  Why is it worth it to take a step up to a greater degree of
> complexity in the software development process and tooling?
> In my professional projects where I have used git exclusively for over two
> years now, I find these to be the most significant points I have observed on
> my git journey.
> 1) SCM systems, particularly centralized ones like cvs/svn, actually
>    discourage some developers from participation, due to the overhead of
> synchronization.  
> Just look at PLplot trunk activiity.  Just during the period where I've been
> trying to get re-engaged here over the last few weeks, I see two or three
> roughly completely independent whirlwinds of activity, all swirling around in
> the code base at the top of trunk.  Everytime somebody does something, the
> "commit" it to trunk.  Everybody's got to update, and this causes lots of
> rerunning cmake, rebuilding, etc.  Hardly anyone is using branches.  We
> actually used to use branches a bit back in the cvs days, but during the svn
> era of PLplot, I'm not sure there have been any branches used, save the
> python branch which I didn't manage to merge quick enough, and now it's
> hopelessly orphanned in the svn quagmire.    With centralized SCM, the only
> good way to collaborate with peers, is through the central repo.  And with
> svn branches being quite uninviting, to put it politely, people tend to
> collaborate through the central repo trunk (master branch in git-speak).
> This is obvioulsy inefficient, and it's disruptive enough that it discourages
> people from involvement.
> The way git changes this game, is by making it really really easy for a
> person to "live on a branch".  If you fork a branch, and work on it for a
> while, you don't need to feel like you're getting lost, like something that
> fell off a fast moving train.  At any time, you can just do git merge master
> on your topic branch, and you're tracking master, without having to inject
> your own, not yet ready changes onto the master.  You can track master, and
> dvelop your topic at your own speed, and commit it to master and push it up
> for public consumption only when you're really ready.
> That means fewer "pushes" hit the project master, means other developers
> spend less time "integrating" the changes from others, spells less wasted
> time on the not-so-fun part of collaboration, and more developer focus just
> going into your own topic branch development work.
> Quite literally, git delivers a huge windfall of incentive for developers to
> actualy participate in an SCM managed project, instead of avoiding it.
> 2) Exploratory work is greatly facilitated.
> To me, this is perhaps the greatest benefit of using git.  In cvs/svn, the
> only way you can "commit" your work, is to shove it into the one centralized
> master project repo.  Even if you use a branch, it's still up there,
> occupying space in the permanent record.  Because of this, it is actually a
> disincentive to do exploratory work.  People get conservative over time, and
> only want to "commmit" stuff which is going to be a "keeper".  Since people
> don't like to not commit their work, they tend to consolidate around only
> "keeper" activities, and true innovation suffers.  In part, this is traceable
> to centralized repos.  If you do something dumb, and you check it in, its up
> there forever.
> With git (and this would be true of other decentralized scms), you can do
> your exploratory development, check it in, obtain all the benefits of using
> an SCM, and *still not be commited to having others see it*.  You only need
> to push it up when you decide it's a keeper.  Sometimes you don't know that
> at the beginning.  
> With git, you can do exploratory development, and then trhow it away,
> without ever bothering others with it, if you so choose.   This is really
> enabling. 
> Fantastic branching, and decentrlaized repos.  Those are the things that make
> git such a game changer in the world of software development.  IMO.
> Questions I could see people asking:
> Why not just use git-svn?  If you love git so much, how about you just use
> git-svn?
> Well, I will, if that's where this leads.  But with direct git hosting now an
> SF supported option, I thought I should just put it out there for
> consideration, that we could in fact, switch the whole project to git.  Maybe
> the question is, why switch the project, when you could just use git-svn on
> your own?
> Well, git-svn ain't git.  And if PLplot sticks with svn as the master repo,
> then we're going to keep seeing the whole developer base doing everything on
> trunk, because it doesn't really look like anyone's very interested in using
> svn branches (no surprise, since svn branching is so unappealing).
> Git repos are also smaller, and git is much faster.
> I'd like to see us switch.  But I will use git-svn personally if that's my
> only option.
> What would a transition plan look like?  Suppose we all try git for a bit,
> decide we like it, decide to switch.  How does that go?
> There are two primary options:
> 1) Import the entire PLplot history, stuff that up into the SF plplot git
>    repo as the starting point.
> 2) Take plplot svn trunk, check it into git, and go from there.
> Option 1) seems like it might be the natural/obvious choice.  That said, in
> my professional circles, we've actually opted for 2).  And been happy that
> way, even over the next year or two.
> So, personally, I'd probably just do 2) again, if others were willing to make
> the switch, and willing to take this shortcut.  But if others were willing to
> make the switch only on the condition of doing it the 1) way, well, I'd be
> willing to help with that too.
> So there it is.  I look forward to seeing what others have to say about
> this.  Bottom line:  Is anybody other than me interested in switching PLplot
> to git?

Dr. Werner Smekal
Institut fuer Allgemeine Physik
Technische Universitaet Wien
Wiedner Hauptstr 8-10
A-1040 Wien
DVR-Nr: 0005886

email: sme...@iap.tuwien.ac.at
web:   http://www.iap.tuwien.ac.at/~smekal
phone: +43-(0)1-58801-13463 (office)
       +43-(0)1-58801-13469 (laboratory)
fax:   +43-(0)1-58801-13499

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