I would like to add support for loading segmented colors scales with
plspal1, using plscmap1a rather than plscmap1la.  This way, the colors
would be separated by distinct cut-offs rather than continuous
transitions.  See the color bar used by the US National Weather
Service radar images as an example:


This is a fairly straightforward change, and I have prepared it
locally.  However, two approaches seem reasonable to me and I would
like to as for others' opinions before settling on one.

The first, and the one I have implemented, is a new file format.
Rather than a "v2" header, this one has a "v2s" header (s =
segmented).  No reverse field is needed, as it is not applicable here.
 This format is otherwise the same as the existing v2 format.

The second option I thought of after implementing the v2s file format
code is to change the plspal1 API to take a second argument to
determine if the file should be interpreted as discrete values or
interpolation points.  Something similar to "plspal1(filename, true)"
for an interpolated color map and "plspal1(filename, false)" for a
segmented color map.

I like the second option more because the same color palette files can
potentially be used for multiple purposes.  It does, however, require
a small API change to plspal1 (adding a PLBOOL parameter) which would
then have to be propagated to all the language bindings.

Any thoughts?  I understand that this is rather poor timing, given the
number of "added plspaln to language X bindings" Subversion commits
there have been recently.  This has unfortunately been my first chance
to dig in to this section of code and see how it works.


Hezekiah M. Carty
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

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