Hello plplot developpers,
Since Sept29 the build system for plcairo has been integrated into cmake.
Unfortunately, on my godi 3.11 on a mac, with ocaml-cairo from GIT and
lablgtk2 from svn installed by hands in
site-lib and std-lib respectively, it's not beeing detected by cmake

-- OCAMLC = /opt/godi311/bin/ocamlc.opt
-- CAMLIDL = /opt/godi311/bin/camlidl
-- OCAMLMKLIB = /opt/godi311/bin/ocamlmklib
-- OCAMLOPT = /opt/godi311/bin/ocamlopt.opt
-- OCAMLFIND = /opt/godi311/bin/ocamlfind
-- OCAML_LIB_PATH = /opt/godi311/lib/ocaml/std-lib
-- CAMLIDL_LIB_DIR = /opt/godi311/lib/ocaml/std-lib
-- WARNING:Cairo OCaml library not found.  Disabling Plcairo module
-- WARNING: lablgtk2 OCaml library not found.


$ ocamlfind query plplot

$ ocamlfind query cairo

and ls /opt/godi311/lib/ocaml/std-lib/lablgtk2/ gives 273 dir entries.
I guess lablgtk2 is reachable using "ocamlopt -I +lablgtk2".

Is there some define option to the cmake configure to set those paths
for bypassing autodetection?

Thanks, regards.

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