On 2010-10-05 20:29+0100 Schwartz, Steven J wrote:

> Should plplot draw it's Greek theta from a script-like font when all
the other Greek symbols (bar uppercase upsilon) are drawn from the
default sans serif font? Would it look strange to a Greek person to
see a word spelled with this mixture of fonts?

> I suspect I'm the only one who might have noticed :-)

Actually, I notice these things as well, but that was a deliberate
change.  If you look at the 600 section or 2100 section of example 7
with -dev xwin (i.e, Hershey fonts), you will see that there are two
versions of episilon, theta, and phi available for the Hershey fonts.
I changed the Hershey to unicode transformation to match those two
variations of the three glyphs as closely as possible, and I have just
confirmed that sections 600 and 2100 of example 7 give Greek letter
variants for the qt and cairo devices that are in at least the same
spirit of the Greek letter variants you see for -dev xwin.

In other words, the point of plsym (and plpoin) for unicode-aware
devices is to match what is done for the Hershey devices (whether
right or wrong) as closely as possible for the best backwards
compatibility.  That is, if people went out of their way to use what
they considered to be the best variation of Greek letters with Hershey
devices, they could rely on that behaviour continuing with
unicode-aware devices.

Note also these Greek-letter variations are all available in the same
font.  So it is not a matter of suddenly changing fonts in the middle
of a string. Instead, it is using the same font with different Hershey
and therefore UCS4 indices representing different variant forms of
Greek letters depending upon what the user wants to do.

All this will be much clearer with the planned plglyph functionality. 
There, you will get whatever unicode glyph corresponds to the UCS4
index you specify.  So typically you would window-shop in gucharmap
until you find a glyph you like taking into account all variants
mentioned in the character details.  Then you use the UCS4 index of
that glyph directly in the call to plglyph for your plot.

Of course, the user of plglyph will still be subject to possible
mistakes in how a given font designer renders the glyph.  Also, the qt
and cairo devices use generic fonts where an external library (e.g.,
fontconfig for cairo) decides on the best sans or serif choice to
represent the glyph.  That potentially means you could get several
different fonts used in the same text string if a higher-ranked font
had a lot of glyphs missing so you had to fall back to a lower-ranked
fonts for some of the glyphs. But in practice that happens rarely
since most OS's only deploy True-Type font choices with relatively
large glyph coverage.

To end on a philosphical note, I used to ignore fonts altogether back
in the dark ages when there was no choice other than Hershey for
PLplot.  But I have become completely enthused about fonts now that
PLplot gives access to such a wide variety of them that represent ~500
years of artistic and mathematical tradition.  Totally cool!

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software
package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of
Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

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