On Dec 18, 2010, at 6:30 PM, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

> On 2010-12-18 11:34-0800 David MacMahon wrote:
>> Am I missing something?
> See their example 1d where they check for truncation.  Instead of
> taking an error return at that point as they did in their sample code
> the user could instead realloc if they liked as in your original
> suggestion.

Thanks, I did miss something! :-)  The strlcpy model seems very similar to the 
WIN32 convention, only better in that it is more rigorously documented 
vis-a-vis NUL termination.

> Just because it appears to be better documented on the
> null-termination guarantee issue, I suggest we adopt the strlcpy
> model.  This gives the user in any language freedom to do anything
> they like if the returned size (which never counts the null
> terminator) is >= the value of n in the call.

I agree!

> For high-level languages
> like Python where the uses don't have to worry about allocation, they
> could just call the function again with n chosen to be the previous
> returned value + 1.

For high level languages like Python, any (re-)allocation could happen in the 
bindings and therefore be hidden from the end user.

> Also, I don't think we should use the wrinkle present in
> GetShortPathName of doing something special for the NULL buffer,
> size=0 call.  That does add a bit of convenience (but is not a
> necessity) for languages such as C where the buffer is alloced
> beforehand,

I agree about not treating a NULL pointer as a special case, but strlcpy 
inherently treats size=0 as a special case (i.e. no NUL terminator).  When 
size=0, strlcpy ignores the pointer and gives the same  result as the WIN32 
convention (though the WIN32 convention requires the pointer to be NULL).

> but that wrinkle makes no sense for higher level languages
> such as Python where the correctly sized buffer is created as needed.
> For example, a typical Python call to plgfnam is
> fnam = plgfnam()
> With plgnfnam that would be changed to something like
> (needed_size, fnam) = plgnfnam(100)
> if needed_size >= 100:
>  # Oops, 100 was too small.
>  fname = plgnfnam(needed_size+1)[1]

This is an example of why I like to hand code language bindings.  IMHO, the 
plgnfnam function, if it is even exposed in the scripting language, should take 
no arguments and always return a string containing the entire contents.  Why 
make the user provide an initial guess?  This requires them to check whether 
their guess was big enough and try again (without forgetting the "+1") if it 
wasn't.  How inconvenient!  Why not just do all of that for them inside the 
bindings for the high-level language's plgfnam call (which would call plgnfnam 
under the covers)?


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